Chapter Six

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AN: For the purposes of this fic, Logan didn't throw his dog tags away at the end of X-Men 2, or if he did, he had some new ones made.

Chapter Six

"You're not trying, cher, put some force behind it."

"I am!"

Remy easily countered her blows and with a sweep of his staff, sent her crashing to the ground. With an easy smile, he offered her his hand to help her up.

"Come on, let's try again."

"I can't get it," Rogue grumbled.

"Sure you can, you just got to stop thinking and let it flow."

He was teaching her a complex attack move but Rogue was spending too much time thinking over what came next, and not enough just fighting.

"The staff is just an extension of you. Let it come naturally."

"But what if I forget the steps?"

Remy laughed. "It's not a dance, cher. You know what to do. Trust yourself."

They resumed a fighting stance.

"Or maybe you need to lay off the cheesecake," he taunted.

He grinned as he saw the anger flash in her eyes, and a few seconds later he was the one landing on his butt.

"Oh God, are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Remy was grinning. "You did great, cher. Now help an old man up, would ya."

Rogue helped him to his feet and they continued practicing.

Rogue was beginning to enjoy these morning workouts. In the beginning she had felt like she was on show by practicing in public places, like parks but she soon realised that few people actually paid much attention to them. She'd seen other groups during their travels too, like yoga and meditation classes, so she had begun to relax. Today was especially enjoyable because while it was sunny, there was a cool breeze that stopped it from getting too hot.

The only trouble with their workouts was that Remy, breathing hard and looking dishevelled from their fights, looked incredibly sexy, and put images in her mind that she had no business thinking about.

Just because they were a couple now, didn't that mean she could just forget about her power and act on those thoughts.

She took him down once again but dropped her guard, allowing him to sweep her feet out from under her so they were lying side by side on the cool grass, panting.

He grinned at her. "Was it good for you too?" he asked in his most alluring voice.

"Stop that!" she blushed.

"Stop what?" he reached out and took her hand.

"You know what."

"Tell me," he commanded.

"You… that… you're turning me on."

"And that's a bad thing?" he asked, flashing her a devilish smile.

"You know we can't," she told him, her words scolding but her expression playful.

"Maybe not everything," he said as he began tracing patterns on her palm through their gloves. "But I'm very good with my hands, cher."

Rogue's breath caught in her throat at the idea of sharing such intimacy with him. The idea frightened but also excited her.

"It's too dangerous," she sounded breathy with desire.

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