Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"Doctor McCoy?" Remy called as he entered the medical bay.

A blue head popped up from behind a stack of papers. "Aah, Remy LeBeau, I presume." He held a furry hand out.

"Yes, sir." They shook hands.

"I've heard a lot about you."

Once Remy would have thought those words were meant as a warning, but Hank's tone was warm and friendly.

"Are you settling in okay?" Hank asked.

"Oh yes, everyone's been very nice."

"Good, good," Hank guided them over to some seats. "So, young man, was there a reason you sought me out?"

Remy smiled, he rarely felt very young next to Rogue, so it was nice to know that some still considered him to be so.

"Actually yes. I heard you have a medical degree."

"Among others, yes."

"Good, I'd like your advice."

"Of course, dear boy. What troubles you?"

"Well it's about Rogue. Sort of." Remy took a moment to collect his thoughts. "When my powers first started, doc, they were uncontrollable, my power levels were off the charts. I could charge an object just by lookin' at it. People too, whether I meant to or not. I tried controlling it but it was impossible and one day… One day there was an accident where people were hurt. Badly."

"That must have been hard."

Remy nodded. "To cut a long story short, someone told me they could reduce my powers, make them controllable by removing a part of my brain. I had to make a deal with the devil but I thought it was worth it."

"Obviously it worked, and now you're wondering if the same procedure would work on Rogue?"

"Oh it worked," Remy sounded bitter. "I got full control but the price was a little too high." He looked the doctor in the eye. "I was hoping you might know someone, someone legit, who has the skills to do this for Rogue."

Hank began thinking out loud. "Well, of course brain surgery always has risks, although there is always gamma surgery, which is much safer in the right hands. I have heard of a machine at a hospital in New York. Of course we'd have to determine if the surgery would be effective first. We'd need to study you and see exactly what was done."

"Anythin', Doc."

"And still there would be no guarantees."

"I know."

"Have you spoken to Rogue about this?"

Remy shook his head. "Not until I know if it's possible. I don't want to get her hopes up. And I don't want her running off making deals with anyone to get it done, either."

Hank nodded. Rogue was hot headed enough to seek out her own cure if she thought it was possible. "I will look into it for you, you have my word."

Remy had a feeling that Hank's word counted for a lot. "Thank you."

"Can I ask you something?"

People had been asking that a lot. "Sure, Doc."

"Why are you dong this? Surely it would be safer to keep your own experience a secret if you're worried about Rogue."

"I won't lie, I considered hiding it. Doesn't make much difference to me if she has her powers or not. But all I want do is make that woman happy, and getting some control would make her happy."

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