The floor of a tourbus

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This is just a nice fluffy one shot to start the book off
Also I didn't proof read so don't @ me about any mistakes

     As the team piled back onto the tour bus, everyone let out a collective sigh and sat down. Mark and friends had finished their second to last tour and were headed to their final destination. Mark himself plopped down onto the couch and sighed dramatically. Kathryn sat down at the table with Amy and they continued editing some videos. Bob and Wade retired to their beds to nap and Ethan sat down on the couch next to Mark while Tyler sat across from them. Everyone was exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

     "I'd say that was a pretty good show,"

     Tyler spoke suddenly.

     "Yeah, your improv was on point Tyler,"

     They all giggled, thinking back on the funny things that were said that night. The bus whirred and began to move, and soon enough they were on their way to the last You're Welcome tour.

     Mark and Tyler talked for a while and Ethan just sat scrolling through twitter. Mark and Tyler's conversation became white noise to Ethan as he payed attention to what everyone was tweeting about. A video was circling around of Mark and Ethan doing the dance battle together, and Mark had done some pretty sexual dance move: he was slowly stripping out of his red glittery jacket and thrusting his hips. He giggled at it slightly as his cheeks warmed, remembering the moment clearly. At first Ethan thought that people were just fangirling over Mark, but as he read the comments, he found that was not the case. The comments were going on and on saying things like:

"Get yourself someone who looks at you the way Ethan looks at Mark"

"OMG I SHIP IT ❤️❤️❤️"

"Wow Ethan seems pretty entranced with Mark lmao"

"Same Ethan"

As said boy read more and more comments, he scrolled back up to watch the video again. Of course, there it was. As Mark was dancing, Ethan was in the background watching with a gaping mouth and rosy red cheeks. Oh great, of course I lose my composure on stage like that, Ethan groaned and cursed himself in his head. See, Ethan has a bit of a small tiny crush on Mark, and he would have liked for it to have stayed unknown. As he grew more uncomfortable he began to shift in his seat, causing the bane of his problems at the moment to turn to him with concern.

"Hey Ethan, you alright man?"

Ethan stiffened and forced a smile.

"H-heh, yeah just- just a little bit car sick I guess,"

Mark reached over to rub Ethan's back to which he flinched from, and when Mark drew back cursed himself.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can get some painkillers if you need any-"

"N-no! No I'm fine I swear I just-"

Ethan interrupted flailing his arms about. He sighed.

"I think I just need to lie down for a bit,"

Mark drew back and nodded glumly. Ethan stood up and quickly made his way to the beds at the back of the bus. Once he reached he room, Bob and Wade were asleep so he tried his best to not disturb them and crawled into his bed. He grumbled and rubbed his temples, cursing himself for the millionth time that night.

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