Magical Girls

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I'm projecting onto Ethan my love for Precure,, basically magical girl animes
Also not very shippy, but there are underlying tones (like the fact that they both call eachother cute ffs) and I may make a part two where Mark asks Ethan out KiraKira style uwu
Also if anyonE KNOWS WHAT PRECURE IS PLEASE CONTACT ME I NEED MORE FRIENDS IN THE FANDOM!! And if you don't know what it is!!!!!! Watch it!!!!! It's so good!!!!! There's no real set story so you can start with any series you want!!!! (Although some you do have to watch in order, but honestly just go to the Wikipedia page and you'll see all the titles) my all time fav series has to be Futari Wa Pretty Cure, it's so fucking good and I love Nagisa she's a literal angel and I'd kill for her

uwu owo uwu

Mark wasn't sure what he was expecting upon entering Ethan's bedroom. Since he hadn't visited in a while, he called Ethan up to hang out to which Ethan simply told him to go over to his apartment and they'd watch movies and relax. Ethan had left to run to the corner mart to grab a bag of pickle flavored lays, since Mark insists that they're the only flavor that is valid. While the younger was away, Mark decided to check around the apartment to see what changed since he had been there last. And a lot had. The raven haired man was expecting maybe a messy floor with video game merch and possibly some food scattered around — a typical single young man's den — not some puffed up sparkle storm filled to the brim with posters of magical girls on the walls and ceiling, figurines, a "pretty cure" themed bed spread, and a whole book shelf organized with all of the precure series on blue ray starting from "futari wa pretty cure" all the way to "kirakira pretty cure". It had crossed Marks mind that Ethan may had been a bit weeb-ish in the past, but was unaware to the extent of said weeb-ish-ness. He especially wasn't expecting to see the concoction of glitter, pink, and frilly-dressed anime females that cluttered Ethan's bedroom.

Mark could only stare with his mouth agape and eyebrows reaching new heights on his forehead. He couldn't move, couldn't speak, he could only look on in abject surprise at what his eyes were displaying for him. He almost didn't hear the owner of all of this merch when he loudly exclaimed,

"Honey, I'm home!"

Mark swiftly shut the door expertly quiet-like and made his way down the hall to Ethan's kitchen. Said make was piling on snacks onto the island in his kitchen and humming cutely. He looked up with his glowing caramel eyes when he heard Mark shuffle into the room.

"Hey Markifart! I know you only wanted disgusting pickle lays, but I decided to get some other stuff too so that we could throw a party, just like old times!!"

Mark knew that was his cue to pretend like he hadn't just walked in on Ethan's probably most closely guarded secret and return the happy attitude, but he couldn't physically bring himself to regurgitate any joyous sentences. He simply stood in Ethan's archway and stared at the boy, trying to decipher what the hell was going on. Ethan noticed Mark's quiet behavior and immediately dropped the fun persona.

"Mark? You okay?"

When said male didn't respond, Ethan rounded the island carefully and began to approach Mark, seeing if he needed anything.


"You like magical girl anime?"

Mark didn't mean for it to come out as harsh, but it seemed as Ethan took it that way since he stiffened up and his eyes blew up considerably. He took a step back in shock. Mark, realizing his accusatory tone, began to step forward with his hands out in surrender.

"Wait, I didn't mean it like that,"

Ethan stopped and began to peer at Mark, his adam's Apple bouncing with the gulps of air he was taking in small amounts very quickly. It seemed as if Ethan was beginning to panic, so Mark retraced his steps in an attempt to calm the younger boy down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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