Chapter One

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*Book 2 of The Alpha Series. Cannot be read as a standalone book. You must read The Hybrid before this.*

*NOT EDITED* If you spot any mistakes please let me know. Thank you in advance!

Chapter One – Berlin.

"Luna Winters!"

The sound of my name from her lips is like the sound of a whip cracking on skin, causing me to jolt up in shock and rub the sleep from my eyes before meeting the amused eyes of my lecturer and classmates. Blushing furiously, I mumble out an apology with my head hung low, my wavy brown hair falling around me like a curtain.

I can hear the snickering of my classmates as my best friends Eva Mitchell and Maddox Parker make their way to the table with all knowing smirks on their lips. Sighing heavily, I lean into Maddox's hold when he places his arm around my shoulders.

"Working late again?" He asks lowly, concern present in his golden-brown eyes.

Nodding, I doodle absentmindedly on the upper corner of my notebook. "There was nobody to cover the late shift and when Henry asked...I just couldn't say no."

"You can never say no." Eva mutters from beside me making Maddox smack her arm. "Next time, make up an excuse. This is the fifth time he's asked you. Henry needs to fire whoever is slacking off and get a new employee."

I nod, yawning quietly. I have fallen asleep in labs and tutorials too many times to count so a few lecturers knew my name by now, always waking me up with humour in their eyes. Pulling the textbook closer to me, I grab the pen to take down the notes on the board up ahead. Already, I can feel sleep pulling at my eyes again. I can't wait to finish this last class and go home to my bed.

Maddox, Eva and I are all housemates, studying Nursing. We had all decided to study in Berlin, Germany after graduating high school. In first year, we were all living in student accommodation and we became friends after meeting in a group project. The next year, Eva asked us to move in with her and Maddox and I happily agreed.

It seemed too good to be true at the start that we knew each other and would be in the same classes, usually making friends was a slow process for me. I was overjoyed that I had found two friends early in the semester.

Now, we are in our final year of Nursing and branching off into different aspects of the career. Our first semester had started two weeks ago and we were well into lecture materials. I make a mental note to get some books from the library before heading home.

The clock ticks by and every minute feels slower, but class finally ends and I am packing up my bag and rushing out the door with my friends. Quickly grabbing some textbooks from the library, I playfully glare at my friends who are moaning and groaning outside, complaining about how it took me forever in there.

"Hey, do you want to grab food with us?" Eva asked as we headed to the entrance of the building.

"Sure, I'm starved!" I laughed, looping my arm with hers and walking down the pathway that led to main campus.


Opening the door to the apartment, I hang my coat on the rack before stepping inside. Maddox had to run some errands after the lunch we had at a nearby cafe and Eva needed to get some birthday presents for her sister before she forgot. So, it was me, myself and I.

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