(my life's story, continued.)

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(Good morning guys. Or really good afternoon. I just got through watching the X Factor. Awesome.)

So back to the story. I chose my mom over my dad because I knew her all my life. She was always there for me, good and  bad. While I knew nothing about this jackass of a father.

My grandparents made me think real hard and long about this. I never changed my mind.  That same day my dad drove me to her little apartment.

The whole ride there he was telling me about himself and why he was never there for me. I just ignored him, I'm pretty sure he knew.

When I made it there, I ran and hugged my mom. But then she seen Ronald and they started arguing. Later he left. The next few years it was me, mom, Bobby and siblings.

My mom was was doing great, drug wise. But it was slowly getting worse. Then she basically just said fuck it. She got drunk and high. And did a lot of illegal shit. Than she and Bobby got into a huge fight.

She almost killed him when she hit him in the head with a skillet.  There was blood everywhere. I had never been so scared in my life.

That night cops came and picked me and my two sisters and baby brother up. We stayed at a sheriffs office all night. The next day Bobby's parents came and picked them up from the sheriffs office.

Trust me I was not letting them go easily. They didn't want me only them. There where tears, screams, thrashing and broken stuff. But in the end they were still takin from me. And I haven't seen them ever since.

(it still makes me sad and angry. And I cry a lot. And sometimes prey when I think of them. It's been 16 years since I last seen them.)

I have no communication with them whatsoever. I don't even know if there still alive. As for my mom its the same thing. But she's in jail to this day. Like legit as your reading this she's probably walking back and forth in her cell.

So after all the tears and being torn apart. I wasn't so lucky this time around. The cops called cps. And there was no unexpected family member there to save me. Not even dad. Funny.

I waited that whole day for my cps case worker to pick me up. I was scared. But there was a cop at the station who kepped me company all day. He was so cool. I'll never forget his name. Mr tiller.

When my case worker finally came I had my bags of clothes. I barely had anything. We drove all the way to seanna plantation Oaks. Home of the gaters. It's just like Needville except no bluejays just alligators.

I went to an all boys foster home. There was no father just a mother. And there were three other kids.

1- Lamont Ridley
2- Dallas Harper
3- Jacob fisherman (mentally slow)

The foster mom was black and so was all the other kids. When I first met her the first words she ever said to me where " Call me MawMaw, I'm not trying to take your moms place just her job. "

I stayed with her for a whole year. While I was there I went through a whole lot of shit. First Dallas Harper was a total dick. I got into arguments with him all the time. He would steal my shit and sometimes me and him would fight.

And Jacob Fisherman was mentally slow. I don't have a problem with that. But MawMaw was a huge Bitch. She made me look after Jacob all the time. He wore diapers at the age of 16 so when he shitted himself I had to wipe his ass.

(so disturbing almost every time he pooped it was diarrhea. It would run his legs and smell really bad.)

Imagine having to clean that every day. Then there's Lamont. He was cool though. They had two dogs. One a poodle named diamond. And two a really big and I mean big golden retriever named Barney. Speaking of Barney that's what Jacob watched every day on his VHS tapes.

Slowly I got to get visits from my family.

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