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12.01 AM

Hermione temporarily froze in shock, before she realised that Malfoy was actually a pleasant kisser. She had expected that his lips would be ice cold, just to match his personality. Though, to be fair he had been further from ice-cold these past few days than she had ever seen him. And then, with a sort of horrified fascination, she found that she liked Malfoy's kisses. Tentatively, she kissed back, her lips moving against his as he swept the now capped fire whiskey aside, moving her closer to him as he shifted her so that she was straddling his outstretched legs.

The alcohol and pheromones in the teens bodies mingled as they kissed, sending small shivers throughout Hermione, and ripples of warmth through Draco.

When she pulled back for breath, panting heavily, Draco leant back against the cool stone wall as he tried to return his breathing to normal. His hand came up to cup her tinted pink cheeks, and he looked carefully at her glistening eyes.

"Granger," he smirked, "You have no idea how cute it is when you rant." He said with a chuckle.

She blushed and giggled softly, as Draco's thumb drew circles on her cheek, slowly.

Absent-mindedly, Hermione wondered if the tingles she could feel travelling up her spine were from the alcohol, or Malfoy. Or even both.

She vaguely registered that she had just kissed Malfoy, and was still in bodily contact with him, which was morally wrong, but right now she didn't care. Her brain had taken leave to Fiji.

Draco's other hand rested on her hip, and she realised it was warm.

Hermione briefly lifted her hand to brush against her lips, which tingled. He smirked.

As her hands fell down to rest on Draco's chest, she sighed and looked down at her hands. Her hair fell over her face, as she stared down at nothing in particular.

Draco frowned softly.

"Granger." He said. She continued looking at her hands on his chest.

With a small sigh, he moved his hand to under her chin, gently lifting it.

"Look at me." He murmured. She raised her eyes to meet his.

"Truth, or Dare?" he asked softly.

"Why?" she asked softly, confused.

"Just answer." he told her.

"Dare." She whispered. Draco smiled softly, like she had seen him do before, the real smile that made her heart flutter softly, though she couldn't figure out why.

"I dare you to give into the alcohol and do what you really want to do." He told her. She frowned in what Draco thought was a rather adorable way as the thought, before she smiled softly at him.

And then she kissed him. It was a shy, slow kiss before Draco took control, turning it into a crushing, breathless kiss.

Her fingers curled around the front of his robes as his hand slid down to join the other at her waist. He pulled her slightly upwards, causing her to raise herself onto her knees as he pulled her body closer to his, tilting his head up to capture her lips again when she parted for breath, gently pulling her down to sit in his lap. She didn't let go of his robes as he broke the kiss, smiling softly as his grey eyes danced with what she recognised as warmth.

One of his hands moved back up to her face, tracing along her cheekbone and over her lips. She closed her eyes as his feather light touch traced along her features, unconsciously leaning into his touch as tingles shot through her body.

Her skin felt like it was thrumming with electricity, and everywhere his soft fingers landed she felt another soft jolt.

Draco watched in semi fascination as Hermione closed her eyes, her pretty pink lips curling up at the corners, watched as her skin glowed from the dim Lumos spell he had re-cast in the corner.. He ran his fingers down to her chin, running one along the edge before dipping down the side of her neck, over her pulse point and down, down, down until he felt her collarbone.

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