The Inappropriate Dragon

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Tyson's fist appeared a second later, followed by his slimy, belligerent, Japanese head.

"Bacon?" he chirped.

Kai nearly face planted into the hot pot. "I'll distract him from the food."

But he didn't have long, as the shell, which had cracked from Tyson's fist, dissipated like the cloudy vapor they imitated. A naked, slimy Tyson plopped front first onto the deck like a wingless lizard. A long, sapphire plated tail, tipped with white horn nubs, clacked onto the deck besides him. Kai only had a moment to get to gather his bearings before Tyson was on his feet and hobbling towards them.

"Just in time, I'm starving!"

"It's not done yet, nor is it for you," said Kai sourly. "How are you walking?"

"One foot in front of the other—what do you mean not for me? Come on, buddy, have mercy, I just woke up!" That made him pause. Beneath the wet bangs plastered to his forehead, Tyson's dark eyes widened and he finally looked down at himself.

By far the greatest change were his legs. His feet had elongated into steep, draconian feet, the heels rising up to level with his knees. Even from a distance Kai could tell that Tyson would finally have his dream of being taller than him, as well as never having to clip his toenails again, as they had turned to wicked, curved claws. Sapphire scales covered his calves and thighs, leaving his kneecaps suspiciously vulnerable, and up to his rear and back where they became the heavy dinosaur-like plating that made up his long tail.

Tyson raised his scaled hands and wiggled his clawed fingers.

"Wicked," he breathed.

Kai the beginnings of a mischievous cackle start up in his chest. "Between the legs, Tyson."

With the look of someone discovering one treasure after the other, Tyson glanced down where his manly jewels and rod hung.

Only a curved, cup like scale remained.

Tyson screamed. When Kai's throaty chuckle rose to an audible chortle, Tyson's expression of horror turned to rage.

"I've been castrated and you laugh?"


"Why you—"

"Use your brain, idiot. What would happen to a dangly fleshy bit between your legs with all your claws and spikes about? And flying nonetheless?"

That did give Tyson pause. Kai could hear Ayah's muffled snorts as she withheld giggles.

With a furrowed brow of concentration, Tyson looked back down at his groin. To Kai's horror, the scale popped open. Ayah let loose a startled squeal.

Tyson, however, beamed. "There you are!"

"Celebrate later," Kai spanned the distance in a blink and grabbed his arm. "You're scarring the public. Get upstairs."

Tyson dug in the balls of his new dragon paws, which didn't help much as the deck was grated metal and not earth. "Why? I want food!"

"Because you're a walking slober-sicle with a pop-easy dick drawer. Shower, pants, now!"

"Okay, alright. Jeeze Louise, fresh out of metamorfofo and I still can't catch a break."


"Shut up, smart ass." He waved at Ayah as Kai pulled him past. "Save an extra serving for me, will ya?"

But she wasn't looking. She had her hands over her eyes, red ears, and a twitching smile.

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