The beginning

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It was a cold night, just as it had been the day before. Winter was never a good month to be outside for long in and it certainly wasn't any different for little [y/n]. Sleeping outside for the past week hadn't been fun but mommy said she'd be right back. The freezing air whipped around her and she huddled up with her teddy bear and blanket. She assured herself that mommy would be back any minute now. Though hope of that ever becoming true was fading and she knew it. 

Suddenly, a snap brought her out of her thoughts and she peered around the box she was curled up against. The darkness that she saw as the alley faded into black sent a shiver down her spine. Mommy told her to not cry, but she was as scared as anyone her age would be. Another noise from the black alley made her scoot backwards, toward the opening of the alley and she felt a warm liquid stream down her face as she cried and backed further. She heard footsteps coming down the normally empty street and found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place as the fear set in. 

She sat there as the footsteps grew closer and she began verbally announcing her fear in quiet sobs. A voice came to a halt just before the alley way and she silenced herself, ducking behind a box "Hello? Is someone down there?" the voice asked with a Texan accent. "I vill check it out." another voice said with a German accent, though to her they just sounded like scary people. A set of footsteps made their way down the alley and stopped right next to her, "Ah! It vas just a cat." the man said as a grey kitty came into view. 

She moved back without realizing how light the box was. A piece of metal resting on the edge fell off and the man instinctively looked over. She started crying again as the scary man knelt down, she backed into the wall and covered her head. "Uh, Engineer?" he said astonished, earning the concern of his comrade who made his way down the alley way. "Don't cry bitte" he said as calmly as possible, slowly reaching for the girl. She didn't flinch away, and the warmness of his hand calmed her down. Her sobs turned to whimpers and Medic had no idea what he should do. This child was weak, too weak to fight against what he could only assume as, in her eyes, two very scary people.

By this time, Engineer had walked over and was just as concerned. "We should take her with us" he whispered, kneeling down next to Medic. "Ze battlefield iz no place for a child." he responded while he stroked her in an attempt to keep her calm. His hand was nearly as big as the girl, she didn't look much older than 4 or 5. "Well, neither is this alleyway, 'specially in this weather" he said and Medic had no argument that could convince him to leave this child here. 

"Alright, but zis vill not end vell and you know it. At least, not vith ze others" he said, reaching out to pick the child up who had already fallen asleep, finally being warm enough to do so. She stirred slightly but quickly fell deeper into sleep. Medic did his best to wrap his jacket over her as they continued on their way to the base. "I mean, it will be a nice change, and I'm almost certain the others will like it." he said warmly. "Ja I'm sure zey vill."

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