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After Medic sat her down between Scout and himself, Engineer started passing out the plates. Scout decided to start helping and when it finally came to [y/n], Scout took it upon himself to make it edible for a 5 year old by breaking the pancake and bacon up into little pieces. He set it down in front of her and sat to eat his. Medic noticed that she didn't touch it, shouldn't she be starving? He assumed that she wouldn't eat much due to being without food for so long. Her stomach would've shrank but she just sat there watching everyone else. "Aren't you hungry?" Medic asked and she looked up with confusion in her eyes. 

Medic reached over and picked up a piece of bacon and lowered it to her mouth. She leaned away from it and was slowly gaining the attention of a few others. Medic was just as confused and ate a piece of his food "Mhm, yummy. You vant to taste?" he said, offering her the food again. She balled her hand into a fist and lightly hit her head with it, she had a questioning expression. By this time, Scout had turned around, away from his conversation. "She wants to know if you're going to hit her" he said quietly. "Vat? Of course not." Medic said defensively. "Alright, tell her that then." Scout said shrugging. "I vill not hit you, do you vant to eat?" he asked again, offering the food a third time. 

This time she took it and watched him as she ate it, waiting for him to do something. Soon she had eaten as much as she could which was evidently, just half of what she was given.  Medic had suspicion that she came from a bad home but he didn't think it was this bad. Just as she had finished, she went to grab her plate but Medic stopped her and grabbed it himself. He smiled at her and said "Go get ready, ve vill go get you clothes" and as soon as he said this he saw that confused look once again. "Go get your bear" he said chuckling a bit, he knew that she couldn't do much without the comfort of her bear and it's not like she could go change into clothes. She ran off, down the hall toward his room and he cleaned up their dishes. 

After he finished, he turned around and saw the small child standing in the doorway, hugging her bear as she watched him. "Alright child, ve are going to go get clothes." he said as he grabbed her hand and headed for the front door. It was rather cold outside and since she had no shoes and was covered in blisters from the ankle down, he decided it would be best to carry her. He picked her up and felt a hand on his shoulder, "May I accompany you to the store?" it was Spy. "Ah, sure mien friend" Medic responded. [y/n] looked at spy with curiosity, a look that seemed to be common with her. 

Spy glanced down at her and attempted to grin, he had not had his cigar yet and was not in an amazing mood. Yet, he refused to let the uneducated German go clothes shopping for the child without him. They got into Medic's van and were at the clothes store in 5 minutes. The child seemed fascinated with the colors and different fabrics in the store which amused the men to no end. As Medic asked a worker where the girls section was, Spy and [y/n] spotted the shoes and he followed her to pick out a pair. 

As soon as Medic turned around and realized the two were gone he grumbled and said "You vetter not ve teaching her to disappear like you." to no one in particular. Just as soon as they had left, they returned. This time though, [y/n] was on Spy's shoulders with a shy smile as she stared over at Medic. Spy seemed pleased with himself as he offered the shoes up so Medic could ok them. "Do you like zhese?" he asked, to which he received a solid nod. "Alright, but let's pick out a comfier pair for your feet to get used to" he said as they walked back to the shoes. After a few more minutes, she has chosen a dark grey pair of boots that were extremely soft on the inside as to not hurt her already beat up feet.

After an entire hour of shopping, they had chosen a few outfits that she enjoyed. A green dress with butterfly patterns, 2 pairs of overalls and a few red shirts. As Medic paid for them, Spy watched her stare out the window at the sky which now sported a neat shade of blue. "It iz pretty iz it not?" he asked her as she just stared into the sky as a few birds passed over. As Medic finished paying and Spy helped [y/n] into the car, an idea was hatched by Spy. It was not radical or surprising in any sense but he deemed it worth of telling to Medic. "We should take her to get ice cream" he said, "Vhy?" Medic asked, "Ze child does not seem to know much of ze world and I doubt she has seen ice cream before" Spy mused, smiling slightly.

Medic thought for a second before nodding his head, "Ja, zis vill be interesting" he said as they got into the car. It took them less than 2 minutes to find an ice cream store and by the look on the kids face, it was obvious that Spy was correct in assuming she had never seen one before. As they got out of the car, [y/n] decided she wanted to walk and walked straight to the door in wonder. Spy walked up behind her and opened the door as Medic led her inside. There were a bunch of flavors to choose from but she couldn't see so after a silent chuckle from Medic, he lifted her up to see them. She was confused again, this was something she had never seen before. "Do you see one you like?" Medic asked, nodding at the ice cream display. She had no idea what any of it was so she pointed one in hopes that it was good, "Chocolate, alright" Medic said as he set her back on the ground. 

Spy grabbed a table as Medic paid, he had no intentions of getting ice cream. [y/n] trotted over and he watched her set her bear on the table as she preformed gymnastics in order to get on the chair. Her legs swung off the edge of the chair and her eyes were just tall enough to see over the table. She began to watch Spy in what he could only assume to be curiosity. Soon enough, Medic came over with a cone of vanilla for himself and a bowl of chocolate for her. He offered it to her and she took it, eyeing it for a bit before using the spoon to scoop some out. Her face could be described as nothing short of pure joy, Spy smirked slightly as he watch the child look up at Medic with big eyes as if to say 'what is this, it's so good.' Medic smiled and held in a laugh as the 5 year old scarfed down the ice cream. 

"So, do you like it?" Medic asked. She nodded violently and grabbed her bowl to throw away. They watched her teeter over to the trash and throw it away with pride. "Ze child is cute." Spy said with a content smile, "Zat is da reason I wonder. Vhy does someone leave a child so pure by themselves?" Medic finally said what he had been wondering since the day he met the child. "Ze world is full of many mysteries" Spy responded simply. "I suppose" Medic replied, though as he watched the child smile, he began to notice an irking feeling that something was about to happen.

Something bad.

TF2 x child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now