New Beginnings

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She waited for what felt like eternity, sitting between the two men she thought she could trust. Her mind wandered, convincing her through her past experiences that this would be no different. She didn't dare run, she knew what that would get her. She remembered her parents, who never hurt her but were never nice. They would threaten, emotionally damage her, yell and scream, claim that she was the end of their happiness. 

She remembered how safe she felt under the bed or in the closet, the monsters her parents promised were there seemed like a better choice than waiting for the yelling from her parents. She made friends with the things that scared her so much, though they were really only imaginary friends. Johnny the imaginary demon, who hid under her bed and had long nails and sharp teeth, who she knew would protect her from the real monsters. He was a really good story teller and would call her brave and kind. 

Then there was Chase, the one eyed dog monster, he had four arms and two legs and his single pupil was very big and scary but he just said that it was that way so he could see more. He could hug her with his four arms, something they both agreed to call a 'double hug'. He would describe wonderful places like theme parks and space that he had seen using his 'special' eye. He also taught her how to speak, it wasn't much but she was happy to learn.

She loved them very much and was sad when her mom came into her room one night, she smelled funny and took her by the arm, dragging her to the alley way. Her mom threw her onto the pavement, followed closely by her bear and blanket. "Good luck bitch," her words were extended and almost drowned out as she took another swig of her drink. Then, with a cackle, she stumbled her way out of the alleyway. 

That night was the last time she felt safe with her friends, she had not seen them since but Chase whispered to her to be safe before she left. 

Of course, nothing could break the fear and sadness she felt now. Medic didn't really know how to react and Scout wasn't sure how to continue. Scout was scared that he'd do something that would freak the kid out and he didn't want to break her trust.

Before she knew it, she was off the chair and was in a tight embrace. Confused, she looked up to see Medic, she cried into his sleeve, the first time she had allowed herself to make a loud noise since the night her mom left. He pet her head and refused to look up at the other men, unsure about how this would play out for him or the child. 

"Small child is brave" Heavy broke the silence finally. "What do you mean?" Engineer asked, "Small child speaks. She is brave for that" Heavy said, continuing to eat his sandwich. "Zis is the first time I've heard her speak" Spy said, earning nods in agreement. "Oi didn't think she could" Demo laughed. 

"Vell, zat vas an event" Medic chuckled, and everyone relaxed, continuing in their conversations. They slowly began to forget about the event, though Medic held little [y/n] for a lot longer than he would have normally. She never felt the need to argue, comfortable enough that after a while, she drifted off to sleep. After a while, Medic realized that the kid fell asleep and Scout offered to take her back to Medic's room for him so he could finish his coffee. 

As Scout walked down the hallway, he felt a presence behind him though he didn't hear anything. "What's up Spy?" he asked, he had gotten used to the old man sneaking around like he did and it wasn't surprising when someone asked for him in the empty areas. More often than not, he was there. "Vhy are you so good with ze girl?" he asked, appearing behind him as they walked down the hallway. They reached the door and Scout turned the handle, "Ma had a habit of bringin kids home" Scout admitted, opening the door, "She brought kids home till someone came for them and I took it upon myself to keep them company. She was busy enough and my brothers didn't really seem to care." he added, looking around the room for the makeshift bed that seemed to have moved under the real bed. 

"I notice little things they do, the safety animals, the way they speak, how they react to certain things." he continued, putting the kid under the bed and tucking her in. "I always got along with them and most of them took to being my friends, playing seems to be a common way to earn trust and make them happy. Probably one of the reasons I kept playing baseball" he said, removing himself from under the bed to look at the older male.

"Ma says I get older whenever I see them type of kids now. Say's I got a different personality." he smiled, patting Spy's shoulder as he walked past. "But then again, you probably already noticed that." he said with a grin, pausing for a second before walking out of the room.

'Maybe' Spy thought to himself as the younger man left the room, 'Or maybe you learned to not be like me'. It seemed like Scout decided to grow up in hopes of not being like the lackey father he had. It also seemed like Scout decided to always be there for kids who were left behind or who were in need of someone to protect them, just like his oldest brother did for him. 

Spy sighed as he looked at the bed, then he smiled, glad that his son turned into the man he saw now.

"You bring out the best in all of us... [y/n]"

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