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"I'm going find a new book!" I yell as I run down our creaky stairs. My mom gives me no response, as usual, from her computer room, working on designs to sell as an extra job. I open the door eagerly and slam it behind me, my dirty off white sneakers placing themselves on the hot, white cement. I walk downtown for a few minutes until I finally reach the abundance or shops we have on the seaside. 

"Hi, sweetie." My grandma smiles at me as I walk into her bookstore, the smell of old books and a hint of coffee fill my senses. "Good morning." I reply happily as I reach for a piece of loaf cake that she brings every single morning, most specifically because loaf cake is one of my favorites. "I was expecting you." She says with her usual warming smile, and it brightens me up. She's the absolute best at customer service. "When am I ever not here?" I laugh and she shrugs at my comment, "The countless hours you're at the beach." I smile to myself at her response, knowing she's always right, and dive into the countless shelves to find something new to interest me. My small fingers trail over the spines and collect dust as I make my way to the fiction section. Nonfiction is great and all, but it isn't exactly my cup of tea.

I end up picking up four rather large books just to keep me away a little longer this time, I'd hate to be a bug to her. After checking out and placing my books into my backpack, my grandma gives me a big hug, "Where are you headed?"

"The beach." I reply. Why was that even a question? I plant a kiss on her cheek and promise her some saltwater taffy on the way back from the amazing day that lies ahead.

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