☼ two ☼

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The sun begins to rise perfectly over the calm water as I place my things down and arrange my blanket just like every other day that isn't filled with stressful school hours. Summer has just started so that means full days to be spent here. My amber eyes trail over the dark blue and soft waves and take in the absolutely breathtaking additions of red and orange hues that paint themselves across the reflective surface. Sunrise and sunset are my two favorite parts of the day because I love to watch the bursts of color in the sky and riding the waves. I think it's absolutely wonderful to experience such things. 

Now that the sun has risen, it begins to beat down and bring almost unbearable heat for most, but a cozy ray of warmth for me. I take off my pastel yellow beach dress and place it in my backpack along with my shoes which I had taken off before my encounter with the dunes of sand. I lay back on my large, fluffy blanket and close my eyes for a while, listening to the waves and taking in the peace before all of the tourists and citizens arrive with their families or simply by themselves, like me. The sound of the waves begin to take over my mind and blur out all of my other thoughts that seem to terrorize me when I'm not here, and for the moment, I am wholly at peace.

After a while, I take out one of my newest books and begin reading, occasionally getting distracted by all of the people playing games or laughing with one another. It really is lovely to watch, and sometimes it makes me wish I had someone like that to laugh with as well. I love when people's smiles just radiate and place one across your lips as well.

My eyes absorb the words and my head dissects them as I occasionally change my position on my blanket, and my eyes begin to droop a bit from my usual lack of sleep. This time, like any other time, my eyes wouldn't seem to close, but I'm left unsure why they refused. The warmth makes me so cozy and always fall asleep so happily.

"Pardon me," a deep voice says as my eyes open snap open and my body jerks a bit, causing the person above me to jump a little. Everything I see is blown out and yellow. My hands reach up to my eyes and I gasp. "I'm so sorry." The voice says and I shake my head, holding a shaky hand out with a small giggle. "No, no. It's alright. I just can't see at the moment." After a few seconds, I open my eyes once again to a vibrant green, feeling confused because of the blue ocean. My eyes then connect to long, dark feathering lashes, and I come to my senses. He then clears his throat, backing away, and my body jerks again from being stuck in such a sleepy state, "I just thought I'd wake you. You're beginning to look a bit rosy, and I didn't want to let you burn in this blistering sun. It's quite harsh today." I smile in reply, "Thank you. I appreciate it." He takes off his backpack and places it beside me, making me a bit nervous. No one ever bothers to come near me when I'm here. He reaches a large hand into the brown bag and pulls out a green bottle, "Here's some aloe." I finally take a moment to notice his thick, British accent, and it sparks my curiosity on where he's from and what he could possibly be doing here. He hands me the bottle and I take it, "Thanks again. I appreciate it." He shrugs his broad shoulders, "It's no problem." He seats himself down in the blanket along with me. His legs extend way further than mine but are luckily still on my blanket. He looks young, but possibly a bit older than me by maybe a year or two.

"I hope you don't mind, but I have nowhere to sit." He informs me quietly, and I shrug in response and scoot over to the opposite side so he has more room. I take this as an opportunity to ask a few questions, "What's your name?"

"I'm Harold, but just call me Harry."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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