The boys

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*Still Joey's POV*
I hear a knock on the door. I walk downstairs to see Aaron, Mark and Charles.

"Hey" Aaron said

"Hey" I said looking down.
"I'm sorry." I looked back up.

"For what?" Charles laughed.

I let them in and closed the door. "For the shit I do! Sometimes I think I need to be out of relationships forever because I'm like this. I put her through hell. I put you guys through. I put myself through it, and I don't know why."

"Joey, dude you're ok. You'll always be our friend." Aaron said in a sweet voice laughing.

"And even though we don't get along, I think we can be cool around each other." Mark added after.

"Wow thanks guys! I'll go get y/n." I said running up the stairs.

*Y/n POV*
I wake up to Joey licking my face.

"Ew, ew stop!" I pushed him away.

He just laughed and said, "Boys are downstairs." Then he walked out.

I got up and made sure I wasn't a mess. I walk downstairs to see them all laughing together. "Hey!" I said making them all look up.
Aaron shot up and ran over to me. He picked me up and spun me around. Once he put me down we hugged. He whispers in my ear so Joey doesn't hear.

"You ok?"

"Yeah thanks."

I walked over to them all and we just hung out. It was nice seeing Mark and Joey get along.

Maybe I don't have to be broken.

Still Broken_J.M.BWhere stories live. Discover now