~part 20~

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Sages POV

I find myself running to no where I stop and calm myself down remembering that Ella's having a party I figure out where I am and start walking to her house

I get there and see Ethan and Graysons Range Rover out the front


I walk in my face is red and puffy from crying I walk through the people getting to the lounge room I see Ethan and Grayson flirting with a a a few girls I roll my eyes thinking about what he said earlier today I see jc and he sees me and runs over hugging me, I bury my head into his neck and break down I couldn't hold it together anymore he moves me over to the couch with him sitting me next to him

"Omg sage what's wrong" I heard someone say but did look up

"Just leave her I think you've done enough" jc says in a defensive tone

"Jc this has nothing to do with you she needs someone that knows her" I can make out the voice, it's Grayson!

I look up at him and his eyes are filled with concern I look back at jc and nod

I get up and walk into a spare room sitting on the bed Grayson walks up to me kneeling in front of me with his hands on my legs

"Hey hey sage shhhhh it'll be okay, I'm here" he softly says calming me down he sat next to me pulling me into him

"Please don't leave me" I say sobbing into his chest

"I'm not going anywhere" he says stroking my hair


Grayson brought me back to his house it was a mansion he took me to his room

"Here you can wear with this if you want" he says handing me one of his t shirts and joggers but the t-shirt was way to big for me hanging down mid thigh so I didn't put the joggers on I walk out of the bath room and Grayson doesn't have a shirt on just a pair of shorts he looks up when I walk out his eyes widen

"What is it" I say pulling at the hem of the shirt

He shacks his head "oh um nothing" he says with a smile

I walk up to him and climb on the bed lying down Grayson lays down next to me, my eyes are heavy

"Thankyou" I say in a sleepy voice

He pulls me over to him I can feel the warmth of his chest on my back as he holds me tight

I feel so safe


I wake up and roll over opening my eyes to find no Grayson I sit up on my elbows and look around the now light up room from the sun

I swing my legs over the side of the bed sitting up

I slowly walk over to the door I can hear people talking but can't make out who it is I open the door and walk to the top of the stairs I can see gray and Ethan talking in the kitchen and can just hear them as there talking rather loudly

"What is she doing here" Ethan says leaning on the bench

"I brought her here, she needs me" he says frowning at Ethan still cooking

He's cooking pancakes and they smell amazing I start walking down the stairs and when they see me they go quiet

"Hi" I say waving at them

"Agh" Ethan says as he walks away

"What did I do" I say looking at him as he walks away

"He's not over you sage" Grayson says raising an eyebrow

"Oh" I say unaware of the situation

"Yeah you made a big impression on him" Grayson says not looking up from the food

I walk into the kitchen and up behind Grayson wrapping my arms around his torso resting my head on him

I can feel him sigh

"Sage what are you doing" he says turning around to face me

I didn't say anything just hugged him it was silent but a good silent he wrapped his arms around me comforting me

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket I pull it out and it's my dad I didn't want to answer but if I didn't he'd come looking for me

S= sage D= dad
S: hello.... I said weakly not wanting to talk to him
D: where are you.
He yelled harshly through the phone making my anxiety go through the roof
S: I-I'm at e-Ella's h-house
I shakily said
D: get home now or I'm coming to get you
He yelled, he must be angry
S: be there soon
I said quietly

End of conversation

"What was that" Grayson said frowning his eyebrows in a questioning and confused way

"My dad" I say now looking down

"Sage are you okay" Grayson says raising my chin to look into his eyes

"No im not but I have to go before he comes looking for me" I say walking away before Grayson could say anything

I walk up to graysons room changing into the clothes I was in before and leaving with out him knowing

I'm half way home when I get a message

Gray💖: sage where did you go?
Me: home I'll talk to you later
Gray💖: your so confusing 😓

I put my phone in my back pocket as I get to my house


Damn sage be sending all kinds of signals!!

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