Chapter 7: Friendship forging troll

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"Hey, Dracoo," Ellie said in sickeningly sweet voice.

Malfoy couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that Ellie was still at Hogwarts the next day. And he gulped. She was out for blood, that much was obvious. It was confirmed when she pinned him to the nearest wall.

"Listen, Draco, if you will do something like that again, you will regret this, got it?"

"Y-yeah, I got it..."

"Wondeful," she smiled and walked away as if nothing happened.

Still, she wasn't so angry. Ellie got an awesome dog buddy because of night chase. And, it was almost left unnoticed, but she saw a trapdoor, which was under massive body. Ellie couldn't help but wonder what was under it. Maybe an ancient treasures? Or maybe a powerful artifact created by Death himself? Or maybe Philosopher's stone...nah, too farfetched.

"What was that about?" Daphne asked, surprised to see her friend like that.

"Just Draco being sneaky little...nevermind"


Hermione was now refusing to speak to Harry and Ron, but she was such a bossy know-it-all that they saw this as an added bonus. All they really wanted now was a way of getting back at Malfoy, but he seemed to avoid them, they didn't know why, but Harry suspected that Ellie has something to do with that. Next week he got a chance to get back at Malfoy by himself.

As the owls flooded into the Great Hall as usual, everyone's attention was caught at once by a long, thin package carried by six large screech owls. Harry was just as interested as everyone else to see what was in this large parcel, and was amazed when the owls soared down and dropped it right in front of him, knocking his bacon to the floor. They had hardly fluttered out of the way when another, familiar owl dropped a letter on top of the parcel.

Harry ripped open the letter first, which was lucky, because it said:


I s'pose congratulations are in order, Harry, so...congrats, champion! Professor McGonnagall told us about a show you did, and I sure hope that with that little present you will make that guy regret crossing you. It contains Nibus Two Thousand. I heard it's the fastest I did some mumbo jumbo to make it even faster. DON'T WORRY, it wouldn't blow up like other things! Professor also asked to tell you that Oliver Wood, whoever he is, will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training session. We are proud of you, kiddo.

Mom and Dad

Harry couldn't contain his smile as he handed the note to Ron to read.

"A Nimbus Two Thousand!" Ron moaned enviously. "I've never even touched one. What does he mean by 'mumbo jumbo'?"

"No clue"

"What is this about blowing up?"

"Well, Dad likes experimenting. The things he creates are brilliant, if they don't explode"

They left the hall quickly, wanting to unwrap the broomstick in private before their first class, but halfway across the entrance hall they found the way upstairs barred by Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy seized the package from Harry and felt it.

"That's a broomstick," he said, throwing it back to Harry with a mixture of jealousy and spite on his face. "You'll be in for it this time, Potter, first years aren't allowed them"

Ron couldn't resist it.

"It's not any old broomstick," he said, "it's a Nimbus Two Thousand. What did you say you've got at home, Malfoy, a Comet Two Sixty?" Ron grinned at Harry. "Comets look flashy, but they're not in the same league as the Nimbus"

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