§ I X

857 33 17

It had been 6 day's.

6 day's and Dark hasn't left his room for anything. Everytime one of the ipliers tried to get him out, he would shoo them away or claim he was busy.

It's sent everyone into a worried frenzy, wondering if Dark is okay, if he'll try anything. Even Mark has gotten extremely concerned about the demon's activities. Dr. Iplier even came to say until it's been proven Dark is stable.

"Alright, family meeting!" Chef calls through the house, banging the tiny gong three times to be sure he got all the attention.

As expected, everyone, except Dark, came down into the living room, seating themselves either on the couch, floor, or beanbag. "Okay, i pretty sure we all know why i called this." Chef starts, setting the gong down.

"We need to get Dark out of his room, or at least tell us why he won't leave!!" Cat said, tail droopy and sad. "But we've tried to get him out, but all he does is shoo us away like flys!!!" Doc declared. "But we haft to try something!" Fire shouts at the Doctor.

"Great plan Fire." Ice sasses, crossing his arm's at his opposite twin.

"Shut it Yuri on Ice wanna be!!" Fure sasses back. The two begin to scrap, soon leading to the other's fighting, just because one two start fight, it becomes a virus that spreads.

The only three not participating in the war is Cat, Mark, and Glitch. The ghost like computer virus hummed in thought, placing his hand under his chin. He snapped his fingers, a bright knowing smile appearing on his face, "i got it!!!"

Everyone's fighting eases to a stop, attention now attached to the glitchy immortal in front of them.

"What?" Everyone asks in a link.

"All we haft to do is ask Dark what's wrong!" He says, smiling bright. "Your a fucking idiot Glitch, Dark will never answer to any of us." Google said.

"Right!! He'll never answer to any of us, buuttt--" he go's over to Mark, lifting him up like a child, "he will answer to Mark!!! Aannndddd he's the only one who hasn't tried to ask him!" "If he won't answer any of us, what makes Mark's attempt any different?" Grim asks sheepishly. "He brought Mark here, obviously he has a reason." Glitch says.

"Are you serious? He'll never let Mark in--" "Actually, that's a great idea." Chef interrupted the Host.

"It is?" Ice asked. "Yes, Glitch has a point. Ever since Dark brought Mark here, he's done nothing but dirty joke to him, and remember yesterday?" Chef states.

"Hm, sounds good to me." Light said. "Us too!!" The rest say together. They all look at Mark, desperately waiting for a response.

"Well, i highly doubt he'll open up, but it's better then sitting and being horribly worried about him." Mark said, being put down by Glitch.

They all cheered as Mark made his way up the staircases to Dark's room. "Be careful Mark!!!" Chef shouts, like a worried mother.

Mark rolls his eye's, but can't deny the fact that those words sent shivers down his spine. He slowly make's his way to the gray door, the silence making it seem like a scene from a really bad horror movie. As he approaches the door, he feels the hairs on his neck stand.

He raises his fist, about to knock, when a muffled sound caught his attention and concern.

He leans his ear tenderly agenst the door, trying to focus on the noise inside. He couldn't believe it, the sound was...weeping?

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