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enjoyed. @indiaabrooks

Liked by : claireholt, nina, phoebejtonkin and 194 828 others

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username1 : omgomgomg!!!

username2 : Who is that?

nina : MY LOVE❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

username3 : Is that the friend of Nina??????

claireholt : gorgeousss😍😍

username4 : lonely daniel finally found someone?😈

[username4] mr.danielgillies liked your comment

phoebejtonkin : cutiee💋

indiaabrooks : lmao daniel

mr.danielgillies : @indiabrooks 😈

username5 : DAMNNN DANIEL

[username5] iansomerhalder : hey! I am the only one saying DAMN DANIEL to Daniel Gillies! Find other Daniel!

23 minutes ago

I had a great tim with Daniel. We were talking and then we played would you rather.
With this game we could get to know each other even more. He was so kind, no stupid questions or comments.

"I think we should go, India. It's already 4:40pm and it takes at least ten minutes to get to Nina's."

"Yeah, sure!" I agreed, but I had to admit that I was kinda sad. I had great time with Daniel. I hope we will meet again soon. I mean, only me and Daniel.

When we got there, I saw a few cars standing in front of the apartment house. When we were coming to the door, Nina was already opening them. She was waving at us, smiling and yelling HEYYYYYY!!!!!

I noticed that I was holding hands with Daniel. I didn't know how this happened, we were just all of sudden holding hands.

"Hi, Nina!" I let go of this hand and hugged Nina.

"Hi my love." She said and went to Daniel to give him a hug as well.

I saw everyone sitting in Nina's living room, they were talking, laughing and drinking something of bright red color.

,,Damn, Daniel!" Ian yelled and pointed at him with his fingers when he looked at me and him.

Daniel rolled eyes and kept following me to the couches. When I sat down he sat next to me.

"How is everybody?" Claire asked obviously smiling. She was smiling all the time. We couldn't reply because Danielle and Leah came yelling hello and hugging everyone. When they came to me, they both hugged me so hard I couldn't even breathe for few seconds.

"Welcome! Okay, everyone came! How lovely! Tell me how is everyone doing?" Nina sat down and waited for our responses.

"I am great!" Paul said "And I wanna tell you guys I prepared a game for this event. It's called Truth or Dare, I am pretty sure everyone knows how this game works." He looked at us and we nodded. "Great. I got a bottle here, I'll spin it and the chosen one is going first. Let's start, shall we?" He gave us a dramatic look and smiled, again.

Oh my God! Did the bottle actually stop at ME?!

"India!" everyone laughed, even Daniel.

"Truth or dare, India?" Paul asked.

I was so nervous! Truth? What if he asks me something I'm not going to be able to say. Dare? What if he tells me to do something stupid or dangerous. Or both.

"Choose, India." He sounded kinda annoyed.

"Truth." I said. Should I say truth? Ah! Dare would be a better choice for sure!

"Okay...hmmm... let me think..." he was thinking of something really, really crazy. I could see it on his facial expression.

"Who is your favorite character from The Originals?" his question seemed easy to answer, but it wasn't that easy. If I say Elijah, it's gonna be obvious that me and Daniel are or will be maybe a thing. If I say anyone else, I'm going to offend other people sitting in this room. It was so difficult and I really didn't know what to say.

"I think everyone is really interesting. I can't decide between them!" I smiled and everyone smiled back at me. Oh. Great job India!

"Oh c'mon! Choose one! Please!" Paul rolled his eyes, but he was just joking.

"No! I seriously don't know!" I repeated myself.

I looked at Daniel because I wanted to see his facial expression. He wasn't smiling, smile was really rare in his case. He was just looking at the bottle we played with and when he noticed I'm looking at him, he smiled.

"What is that?!" Claire yelled and we looked her direction. There was a huge cockroach on the floor. Danielle began to yell and jumped at Paul. Ian and Joseph tried to kill it, but the cockroach was so fast.

"KILL IT! JOSEPH! IAN! KILL IT! I DON'T WANT TO HAVE IT HERE! KILL IT!" Nina was yelling and pointing at the small cockroach.

It was disgusting but I didn't really care. Everyone was trying to kill the cockroach I took the opportunity and I leaned on Daniel. He was warm and I felt cozy being like that with him. He kissed the top of my head and my lips created a huge, HUGE smile.

"What is this?" Leah asked, pointing at us with her finger. " Don't tell me you two-" she didn't finish her sentence, because Nina started clapping and celebrating they killed the cockroach.

I winked at Leah and she opened her mouth. Then she spelled O-M-G and when Daniel wasn't looking, she showed me thumbs up. I laughed. Everyone is so happy about me and Daniel. Well, Nina and Leah are the only ones who know about it, but they were happy. I was happy. And I'm pretty sure Daniel was happy too.

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