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THE CANVAS OF HER LIFE - chocoffee99


Dipping her paint brush in water, she gently added a few droplets to the paint on her palette before raising it against the white canvas, stroking the sheet with a brilliant shade of green. She remained immersed in her world, artistically wielding the brush, simultaneously reaching for different colours when required.

Moonlight streamed through the window, casting a silver glow in the dimly lit attic, illuminating her delicate features which were crinkled in concentration and her hair which was held together by numerous paint brushes at the nape of her neck. She soon realized that she was running short on a purple shade and had to go to the basement to get new tubes.

She silently made her way downstairs, not wanting to wake her husband whom she assumed was still asleep while she had sneaked out of their room. Being an artist had a way of backfiring a couple of times. Randomly she would get hit by a wave of inspiration at the most inappropriate times and would never be able to resist the urge of painting it out.

After searching for a good fifteen minutes for her supplies, she muttered an 'Alhamdulillah' upon their discovery and was about to leave when something caught her eye. Before she knew it, she found herself sitting on the floor and shuffling through the plastic layers until she came face to face with the painting.

One look at the painting and all you could see were clouds. Grey smoke like mists covering every inch of the sheet, except the centre. For their among the various hues of grey, peeked out a pair of metallic grey eyes. The pitch black pupils were surrounded by specks which were in a darker shade of grey and even after all that time, one could still feel as if the specks were swirling around them.

She traced her fingers on the dry paint and once again felt the familiar warmth engulfing her insides which had a way of occupying all her senses whenever she would think about the owner of those eyes.

The day was as ordinary as it could be. Hafsa had been waiting for hours already for the submission of some paperwork in the office. The curious stares she had been receiving were just making her more impatient. But she knew things would surpass the limits as she saw a girl wearing a not-so-pleasant expression, approaching her.

She had had enough of it, she knew if this girl was stupid enough to provoke her, she would gift her with a piece of her mind.

The girl halted in front of Hafsa and spoke with a nasty expression, "Why are you wearing that thing on your head, you should take it off, are you even allowed to wear it?"

Hafsa maintained her calm and replied, "Well, the thing is called a headscarf and it is completely my decision to wear it or remove it. I don't see how any of the University's rules are violated if I wear it."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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