Ch. 11

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ok guys. here is the deal. If you want me to write anymore... VOTE. or COMMENT or BECOME A FAN... somthing that says i am doing an ok job at writing this... I WONT POST UNTILL I GET AT LEAST 4 VOTES, 1 FAN, AND THREE COMMENTS!

so anywayy :P HAI  ^.^ i kind of like this chapter.  and you might toooooo. :P  ohhhh and before i forget... >>>> there is a picture of what the twins look like on the side :D they are identical minus the diference in eye colour so i only needed a pic of one person <3 anyway... enjoy the chapter.

Damien's POV


We made our way downstairs and met with mom and Alex in the kitchen. Trace was in the living room watching music videos of Black Veil Brides. I sang along with the sexiest man in existence (Andy Biersack). The song that was on was Youth and Whiskey. One of my favorites.

"Damn you realy like that stuff dont you D?" Cato asked as we just walked into the kitchen.

I looked at him with a smile. "Hell to the yes!" He snickered and said nothing more but sent me a wink.

Mom and Alex looked up at us shocked. "You two are talking?" Mom asked.

"Without trying to kill each other?" Alex added.Both of then had looks of disbelief. They looked at each other then back at us.

Cato and I laughed and flashed eachother knowing grins. "Yeah. We dont hate eachother anymore." Cato said as he nudged my arm. When he did that I felt a little spark trail through my body.

"That's good." My mom smiled. "Oh. I almost forgot! Trace get in here I have something for you boys!"

Trace walked in and mom tossed him and I each a box of black hair dye. "Sweet! Thanks mom!" Trace exclaimed.

"Yeah thanks ma." I agreed.

"No problem. I noticed your roots were coming out so I figured we could fix that up. Oh and I would never forget about you Cato." She reached into the bag next to her on the counter and took out a CD. "I wasn't sure what you liked but I just took a guess..."

Cato took the CD when my mom handed it over. He looked down at it and so did I. It was an Eminem CD. Personally I think Eminem is a piece of shite but to each his own. I know for a fact that Cato likes Eminem so I cant say a thing. "Oh shit. Thank you, Amber. I have been trying to get this one." He looked at her with a sincere smile. It took my breath away.

"Your welcom hun. So how was your get together at Evenlyn's?" She looked at us expectantly.

"Um. It was realy fun. nice to see everyone again. Especially... Seth." He clenched his fists when he said his name. I wonder what happened between him and our old best guy friend. I ignored it and walked out of the room, Cato following close behind, leaving the other three to a conversation.

I walked into my room and tossed my dye onto my bed and ploped into the computer chair at my desk.

"Um... D...?" I heard Cato's voice hesitant and quiet behind me.

"Yeah?" Around in the chair to face him.


He looked kind of shy. Scared even. "I- Uh..." He looked down with a slight blush. This was very unusual for for Cato. He is normally an extremely outspoken person. Not afraid of offending others, or the punishment he would receive.

I walked over to him and sat next to him on Trace's bed, and took his hand. "What is it Cato?" I asked him softly. Looking all over his face, I noticed a light rose colour hinting under his skin.

"I... um. I want t-to tell our parents that... that I am... t-that I'm... bi." He looked me in the eyes as he said the last word.

In a kind of shock I just stared at him. Eyes slightly wider, eyebrows raised. I was speechless. I didn't even know what to say.

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