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WOOOT WOOOOT! third chapter. sorry I would have wrote more but i have this raging headache and my sister is playing C O D and distracting me... plus i have writers block :P anypoo.  peeeeze vote and comment for me? i will love you all forever.

Damien's POV


OH MY GO OH MY GOD!!!! I just made my way up to our bedroom and slammed the door shut and locked it right as trace was making it to the landing. I jumped into my bed and rolled into a ball just as Trace started banging on the door. "DAMIEN!!! come on man we should have already been there by now! open up!" I ignored him and sat there freaking out. OH MY GOD!!! CATO IS COMING WITH US!!!! while I just sat there freaking out i thought back to a moth ago when I first met Cato.




"Boys, Welcome to your new home." Alex said from the front seat as we pulled into the driveway of the incredibly large house.

Mom smiled at Alex and looked back at us waiting to see our reaction to the size. Trace as usual, has a stone face but I could see past it. He was jumping with excitement. I could feel it. And me... I had my face pressed against the window of the back seat, eyes wide, mouth open trying to take it all in. I heard Alex laugh as he turned to stare at me. "I take it you like the place then?" I was at a loss for words, I could not speak, so I nodded frantically as if one simple nod would not be enough.

I could see that Trace had a big smile on his face hiding behind all his black emo hair. He was proably exited to meet our new stepbrother Cato. I know I was! He is probably pretty cute. Cute being the least I could ask for. I hope he is nice.

I grabbed Trace my his wrist like I always do, and we left mom and Alex to all the word while I dragged Trace inside the house. As soon as I walked in the door, I almost fainted but thank the Devil that ,T was there to catch me. I started jumping up and down and then it was like the bees were let loose because I was running around trying to explore every little bit I can in a small amount of time. "DAMIEN!" Just then I received a slap in the face that knocked me right over. I looked up to see Trace staring at me, hands on hip, with a loot that said "Dude your fucked."

I smiled and waved and said "Hi." like the innocent 16 year old I am. I just took notice of the stinging pain on my right cheek and put my hand on it with a little pout.

"Ok thank you for the help boys!" I heard Alex struggling with boxes as he walked in the door with mom following behind with more. "Cato is out for the day so you wont see him until the morning. He is going out to a party tonight. I know where it is Maybe I can take you and you can meet some people before you go to school on Monday." He suggested.

Trace cut in and said "Yea I could go for a good party. What about you D?" He nudged my arm.

I nodded. "Yea sure me too. I need to cut loose." I said with a big grin.

Our mother gave the three of us a glare before throwing her hands up and sighing, "I give up! This will be the last time I let you to out to a party." And just as I was about to cut in, she added, "I'm not stupid Damien. I know there will be alcohol. You have until one. Then Alex will pick you up. Now go get ready before I change my mind."

"Thanks Mom!" Trace and I yelled at the same time.

"Wow you wern't kidding! They Do say stuff at the same time." I heard Alex muse as Trace and I Grabbed some of our boxes and went to the room we were told was ours.

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