Ch 9

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heyo! so sorry I havent been uploading... been bussy. anywway I hope you like this chapter. i find it kind of borring. ... SPOILER ALERT! IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN BREAKING DAWN PART ONE AND INTEND TO... PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER!!!!

Evenlyn's POV ( YAYAYAY GIRL POWER) *very short*



Trace seemed zoned out like he was deep into his thoughts so I left him to his thinking. As soon as we entered, my house he appeared to snap out of it but as soon as he laid eyes on Cato, it looked like his blood began to boil. He was pissed. Oh he was probably thinking about what Cato did to him. I do kind of agree that what Cato did was evil but at the same time I think it was a good idea. I mean giving him a girlfriend. I am sure that Cato was right about how people will start too wonder. When I heard a door slam I game back to reality. I looked around and noticed that Trace was gone. I decided to leave him to have time to himself, and go sit with Cato and Damien.

"Where did Trace go?" Damien asked.

"I don't know... My room maybe?"

"Oh. Ok." He looked at Cato with a look that I could only describe as lust. I smiled knowingly at them and they both looked at me. "What?" Damien asked innocently.

"Nuthin." I said examining my black nails, looking at him out of the corner of my eyes. They were both looking at each other with confused expressions... but I could see that same look of lust in their eyes underneath it all. I giggled a little but covered it up by clearing my throat. "Let's watch a movie!" I yelled and got up to the movie case. I decided to tease the boys a little bit because I am just that much of a bitch, so I picked the one movie I could think of that could tease two boys, no matter what orientation they are, plus it has two of the sexiest men in existence. Breaking Dawn Part One. Ok so I might have been lying with the hole "tease boys" thing... but it will tease these two boys. Plus it has some sexy action in it so that will make it better to tease them. And I have to admit I am not sure if Cato is even gay but he has to at least be bi, right? I mean... What strait guy would look at an incredibly sexy gay guy like that? "Guys, I will be right back. My hair is pissing me off so I'm going to go put it in a pony." They mumbled a response and I left to go to the bathroom. I managed to take the nots out of my hair from teasing it, then I straitened it, and put it in an elastic. I looked in the mirror and thought to myself that maybe I should change from hot pink to dark purple.

I walked down staris and stoped behind the wall next to the enterence to the livingroom when I heard light whispers. "- Dont want to keep what happend a secret." I think it was Damien.

"I know..." There was a pause. "But I don't think it would be a good idea to tell people. It's not like we are dat-"

I cut him off by, skipping into the room and screming, "MOVIE TIME!"


Damien's POV

Evenlyn walked out of the room and I turned to Cato. I noticed that he was already looking at me. His eyes were filled with desire. I got turned on just by looking at him. I wondered how long Ev, would be. She probably has to comb out the knots... and straiten her hair first... He must have been thinking the same thing I was because the next thing I knew, He was on top of me straddling my waist, lips crashing on mine. I kissed him back instantly. I swear to god every time his lips touch mine... I feel like... I don't even know how to describe it other than a high. After a minute of non stop making out, he began to work his magic on my neck. I was surprised neither Evenlyn or Trace has noticed the few hickeys I have already. "Cato." I whispered huskily in his ear as he sucked and nipped at my neck. He grunted a response. " I want .To tell Evenlyn. About .Whats going. On." I panted through the intense waves of pleasure coming from that little sweet spot that was being abused.

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