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Two hours later, in the Ministry of Magic, Courtroom Number 10 was filled to bursting with even more people standing in the hallways. They were all there for the same reason: to see the man responsible for the deaths of Lily and James Potter brought to justice. The couple had been well-known, respected, and loved by the magical community for their work as a Healer and Auror, respectively, and the public was out for blood. The news of their deaths had spread fast, announced on a special bulletin on the Wireless in addition to a Special Edition of the Daily Prophet. Dumbledore rose behind the Chief Warlock's podium and shouted for silence.

"People of the Jury, Honorable members of the Wizengamot, assorted listeners in the crowd; I call to order this trial." He said as the crowd quieted and settled into their seats. He gestured to the guards at the door. "Bring forth the prisoner."

The doors opened and Sirius walked surrounded by four Aurors and a pair of halberd-wielding Goblin Elites wearing gleaming Platinum armour. The crowd murmured in surprise at the Goblins, and Dumbledore spoke again.

"These Goblin Elites are here at the request of High-Lord Ragnok, out of respect for the Potters and as his representatives." He explained as the Elites strode past the Aurors to flank a small table before the podium. On the table was a small cradle and two wands. The Aurors moved Sirius into the chair in the center of the courtroom and stepped back. The chains on the chair clinked but did not move to bind him, and the crowd murmured in shock. Dumbledore's eyebrows rose. The chains on the Chair of Trials were spelled to bind only those who were guilty of the crime that they stood accused of. Of course, nothing was infallible, and any convicted criminal had the right to a trial by a jury of peers, but it still gave the court something of a compass heading during a case. The fact that he was not bound did not go unnoticed by the others, and murmurs rippled across the room like a wave. Dumbledore noted with interest that many sounded less hostile and more... confused, or interested. Surprised, for certain. This was sure to be an interesting trial.

"The prisoner, Lord Sirius Orion Black, stands accused of spying for Lord Voldemort, betraying the location of the Potter family, and the use of Dark Magic." Dumbledore said clearly, before gazing down at Black. "How does the defendant plea?"

"Not guilty, Chief Warlock." Came the calm answer, and the crowed rumbled, several people coming to their feet and shouting their disbelief.

"Order, we shall have order in this courtroom! Mr. Black, will you submit to Veritaserum to ensure your honesty in this trial?" Dumbledore said loudly.

"Yes sir, I will." Sirius replied calmly, and the gathered witches and wizards murmured amongst themselves. No one accused of being Dark had ever agreed to Veritaserum before, and had always had to be forced.

After Black had taken two drops of Veritaserum, the questioning had begun.

"Did you or did you not turn traitor and become second in command to Lord Voldemort?" Dumbledore asked.

"I did not."

"Did you or did you not betray Lily and James Potter to Lord Voldemort?"

"Hell no, I would never to that!" Sirius replied, sounding angry at the question despite the calming effect of the Veritaserum.

"Were you or were you not the Secret Keeper for the Potter family?" Dumbledore said, feeling more and more surprised.

"No, we switched at the last minute without telling anyone. We thought that everyone would assume that it was me, and I could draw them away from the real Keeper. The perfect ploy."

"Who was the real Keeper?"

"Peter Pettigrew."

The courtroom exploded into chaos as witches and wizards stood and shouted over and at one another in effort to be heard over the din. As a result, it was another quarter of an hour before the noise had died down enough for Dumbledore to be able to continue.

"Do you know where Peter Pettigrew is now, Mr. Black?" he asked, fully expecting a negative, and was therefore shocked when Black nodded.

"Yes, I do." He said, and Dumbledore sighed in annoyance at the limited answers that those under the influence of Veritaserum were capable of giving.

"Where is that, Mr. Black?"

"Inside the cage I gave those Hit-Wizards. He's a rat Animagus." Black answered, and Dumbledore stared. Of all the answers, positive or negative, this he had not expected! He ordered that the cage be brought before him, in addition to another Chair of Trials. Once they had arrived, Dumbledore performed a complex spell, forcing Pettigrew back into human form. Pettigrew immediately dashed for the door, only to be stopped by a pair of Aurors, who dragged him back and forced him into the second Chair. The chains instantly leapt to life, wrapping themselves around him and binding him to the point of immobility. When the rat refused to take the Veritaserum, Dumbledore ordered the Aurors to give it to him regardless, and also to increase the dosage. Two Aurors forced his head back and held his mouth open as he fought to free himself. A third Auror stepped up to the Chair and dripped three drops of the powerful truth potion into his mouth. His struggles ceased quickly as he dropped into the lethargic indifference brought on by the potion.

One by one, Dumbledore repeated the questions posed to Black, and each time Peter answered in the affirmative. When asked for the reasons that he betrayed them, he said:

"The Dark Lord promised power. I was always the weakest, the least popular. He promised me that I would be the important one, the strong one, as soon as the boy was dead. I would finally get the glory and prestige that I deserve!"

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