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Sirius had leapt to his feet, howling in anger and swearing almost incoherently as several Aurors restrained him from ripping the rat limb from limb, preferably in a slow and painful fashion. After Sirius took a Calming Drought and sat down once more, Dumbledore gestured to a witch wearing the sigil of St. Mungo's on her robes.

"Healer Davis, would you please?"

"Of course, Chief Warlock." The Healer said, walking over to the small table and reaching into the cradle. She carefully picked up what was inside, and turned to face the court.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the surviving Heir to the Potter family, Harry James Potter, is alive and well." She said, and the black-haired baby boy in her arms rustled his blankets and yawned hugely, fat little baby fists shifting as he dreamed. Several of the female audience members cooed at the sight, but Pettigrew flew into a rage. Yelling something in an evil tongue, he broke free of the chains around him and charged at the Healer, intent on killing the baby boy who had destroyed his master. Unfortunately for him, the Goblin Elites were still there. Moving in total unison, they dropped their halberds, drew their swords, and moved in. Smooth as butter, they slid in front of Davis and lashed out at Pettigrew. He howled in agony as the Goblin-made steel bit into him, removing one of his arms and severing the tendons in the other. Lunging forward in tandem, the Elites' blades sang through the air again, and Peter collapsed to the ground as he was hamstrung. The Goblins slid to a halt behind him, and turned back. One kicked out with a booted foot, and shoved him onto his back. Before anyone could stop them-not that any of the onlookers felt particularly inclined to- both Goblins plunged their blades into Peter's chest. They removed them after a moment with a sickening squelching sound, drew out a pair of cleaning clothes, wiped down the blades, and sheathed them before walking back to their halberds. These they picked up and once again both Goblins stood at attention, as though nothing had happened. The stunned crowd stared either at the corpse or the Goblins for several long moments, until Dumbledore was able to compose himself enough to speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury and the Wizengamot, while it may seem somewhat superfluous, I ask you to vote. Those in favor of an innocent verdict and clearing of all charges for Lord Black?"

Every hand leapt into the air without hesitation, some before he had even finished speaking.

"Those in favor for the conviction of Peter Pettigrew for the crimes which Black was charged with?"

Again, every hand rose into the air, and several onlookers began to clap, eyes filled with savage satisfaction. Camera bulbs flashed and several among the audience cheered as Sirius was released and his wand returned to him.

Nearly an hour later, Remus Lupin swept into the now almost empty courtroom, and drew Sirius into a tight hug before stepping back. Behind him was a woman with long black hair.

"Remus, Marlene..." Sirius said, looking happily at his only surviving best friend and his girlfriend. Marlene McKinnon pushed past Remus and threw herself into Sirius' arms.

"You stupid prat, how could you do that to me?" she sobbed into his chest. "All they told me was that you had been arrested for betraying Lily and James. Remus came over and tried to make me come, but I couldn't. Then, Shacklebolt came and said that you had been cleared and that it was...was..." At this point, she was no longer able to speak and simply stood there crying. Sirius, held her tight against him, reveling in the feeling of having her in his arms, the smell of her hair....

He turned to Remus, who smiled at him, a little teary-eyed. The two old friends smiled at each other for a moment, a smile that was filled equally with joy and sorrow. Joy that they were each innocent of the horrific betrayal, and sorrow for the results of the betrayal itself.

"Mr. Black, Mr. Lupin, Miss McKinnon, if you could join me?" Professor Dumbledore said from behind them, and they turned. The two Goblins were holding out a pair of stones. "These portkeys will take us to Gringotts for the Reading of the Will, which will tell us to whom Harry goes to live with." He gestured to the small bundle of blankets in Healer Davis's arms. Both she and Dumbledore were already touching a portkey.

"Harry? He... he's alive?" Lupin gasped, and Marlene looked equally flabbergasted. "How?"

"I don't know, but I have suspicions, which I will share at another time. Come." Albus replied, and the three crowded around and touched the stones. Each Goblin barked something in Gobbledygook and everything vanished. Instantly, they reappeared in the lobby of Gringott's Bank. They were swiftly brought to a room where a large and ornate throne rested on a modest dais. On the throne sat a regal-looking goblin dressed in bejeweled armor. A massive battleaxe rested head down on the ground beside him, and the shaft rested against his armrest, one finger idly stroking it as he stared at the five adults and one child.

"High-King Ragnok, I did not expect to meet you personally for something like a Will Reading." Dumbledore said, bowing deeply to the supreme ruler of all goblins.

"The Potter's have long been friends and allies of my people, and I was as fond of them as I can be of any of your race. That is why I sent two of my Elites to the trial." The High-King replied. He reeled of a string of Gobbledygook to the aforementioned Elites, who replied, and a harsh smile formed on his face. "They tell me that it was a good thing that they were there, although I never imagined that the criminal would try to harm young Lord Potter inside a crowded courtroom!"

"No one could have expected that, High-King. I am grateful to your Elites for doing what I could not, and defending my Godson." Sirius said quietly, bowing deeply to Ragnok and both Elites.

"No need to thank us, Lord Black. We wish him to grow up without any more hardships than that which he has already suffered." The Goblin King replied, a shadow of sorrow flitting across his face, though he quickly hid it. Goblins did not show emotions, especially before outsiders. He would grieve for his departed friends later. A pity that Voldemort was gone... his great axe, Blooddrinker, had been left unused for far too long. He idly wondered if he could reanimate Pettigrew's corpse to release some emotions on it at his leisure... as many times as he desired... "Incidentally, Chief Warlock, do you know how the traitor freed himself? I thought it was all but impossible?"

"Ah, as to that, I have no concrete answer. However, he did say some interesting words before he freed himself. I can only assume that it was some form of powerful Dark magic, fuelled and made stronger by his rage." Dumbledore said, frowning as he contemplated the possibilities.

"In that case, perhaps there is research to be done to ensure that no other can accomplish the same feat?" suggested Ragnok, and Dumbledore readily agreed.

"My Lord King, the will reading?" murmured an aide from behind his throne, and he shook himself imperceptibly.

"Now, for the reason you are here. Will Keeper Grabclaw, bring forth the Will." He said, and an elderly goblin stepped forward, a scroll in his hands. "Read it for us."

"Yes, Sire." Grabclaw said, unrolling the scroll. Adjusting his glasses, he gazed down at it and, after clearing his throat, began to read.


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