Chapter 5

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The entire group sat there for nearly ten minutes in silence, before Ragnok finally decided to proceed.

"The funds have been transferred and the items delivered to your homes." He said quietly, ignoring the tears in the human's eyes. Not even he was immune to hearing the will of friends. He turned to Sirius and his manner became formal. "Lord Sirius Orion Black, do you accept Guardianship of Harry James Potter until such times as he comes of age?"

"I, Sirius Orion Black, do swear on my magic and my life to protect and raise Harry James Potter as if he were my own son. So Mote It Be!" A flare of blue-white light flashed as his magic accepted his oath and bound him to it. He smiled at Harry before looking at Marlene and Remus. "Marley, Moony, will you two come with us? I plan to go abroad to raise him, so that when he starts at Hogwarts he won't be ignorant of either world."

"I can't let you go alone, can I?" Marlene said, raising an eyebrow. "Someone has to keep you from turning the boy into a younger and equally decadent version of you three prats!" Sirius grinned cheekily at her and winked in response before turning to Lupin and raising his eyebrows.

"I... can't, old friend. Until that fellow perfects the potion that Professor Dumbledore told me about, my... furry little problem will still be there. Without James there to help with me..." his voice trailed off and he shook his head while Sirius placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Then we will bring him to visit you! As his 'Uncle Moony', you have to spoil him rotten, alright?" he said, smiling at his friend, who laughed and agreed readily. Sirius turned to Dumbledore.

"Sir, I'll make sure to bring Harry too Hogwarts, but... could we wait until he would be a second year? I can teach him first year material, and this way I can prepare him for how he will be treated in our world, because of who he is."

"Certainly, as long as you bring him to visit every once in a while, even during the school year. I would like him to meet some people so that he will have friends and other people he know once he is there." Dumbledore said with a smile and a nod. "Make sure to bring him to at least one big feast!"

"Alright then, see you in a while." Sirius said, as Marlene took baby Harry. They Apparated away, and soon the others left as well, leaving Ragnok alone with his feelings. Banishing his aides and guards, and ordering them to ensure he was undisturbed, he released the leash on his emotions. Tears of rage and sorrow flowed down his face and he leapt to his feet. Wielding his great axe, he went on a rampage through the room, destroying everything in his path as he came to grips with his rage and grief.

That night, Remus Lupin sat in his small flat and cried himself to sleep, mourning the loss of his friends and the betrayal of one whom he called friend. At the next full moon, deep in the Forbidden Forest, a lone werewolf howled his lament at the moon, a deep part of him knowing that something was missing... and that it would always be missing now.

Rubeus Hagrid gazed up at the stars around him as he stood outside the gate of the Longbottom estate. He had just delivered poor little Neville to his distraught grandmother. He brushed away a tear and reached into his pocket, thinking about how four of his greatest friends were dead, or as good as. The Portkey he brought out of his pocket activated with a soft-spoken word, and he vanished, leaving only a profound sense of sorrow behind him.

Albus Percival Wulfric BrianDumbledore sat in his office and looked down at the evil book in his hands. It was opened to a chapter called "Horcruxes."

Maia Davis looked down at the sleeping face of her daughter Tracy, and prayed that the poor Potter boy would be safe and happy from now on, and that her daughter never had to suffer what he had.

Sirius and Marlene Black, recently -as of fifteen minutes ago- married, sat astride their motorcycles, gazing at the baby in Marlene's sidecar for a moment before they kicked the engines to life and roared away.

All around the country witches and wizards saluted with drinks and whispered: "To Harry Potter! The Boy Who Lived!"

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