My nightmare,
I never thought of it like this.
I dreamt you were there with me.
I was so happy.
We were perfect,
Going to the park,
Going to the movies,
Going out to eat,
You hugging me while i cried,
Me hugging you while you had an anxiety attack.
We were always there for one another.
Nothing would come in between us.
Or so I thought,
She came along.
Jumped right in the middle of everything.
You were gone and I was along.
I thought I need to wake up.
If I woke up everything would be better.
I woke up and the nightmare didn't end.
You were gone with her.
Doing what we did together.
Making her as happy as you made me.
Then I realized I wasn't dreaming.
My nightmare
Has became a horrifying reality.
Will it ever end?
Perhaps the day I choose to end it all?
Perhaps that day shall never come.
Perhaps the day I decide you are good enough for me to be hung up on.
Perhaps that day may enact come as well.
Perhaps it's the day you actually take the time to socialize with me once again.
Perhaps it's the day I block you.
Perhaps it's the day I close my eyes and open them and none of this nightmare will be true.