It's 4 in the morning and I can't sleep.
All these thoughts running threw my head.
I feel like I have no control over what's going on
Literally I can never sleep due to these thoughts.
I'm worthless,
I'm just a mistake.
No wonder everyone leaves.
Many people have came into my life,
But just as many of them have left me.
No one wants to stay here with someone who has a messed up life.
Once i get happy they leave.
Once I finally get a reason to smile it leaves.
Once I feel safe,
I feel safe no more.
Once I thought to myself,
Why continue trying in a world that doesn't care?
Why go thru all of this when there is no point in trying anymore?
Why put up with people only using me when they get bored,
Why try?
Honestly at 4 in the morning i feel the lowest.
It could be because no one is up,
I'm stuck alone with nothing but my thoughts.
I had three good months of sleep,
Three good months of everything.
Just three,
Now I have no more unless I take sleeping pills.