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After I finished my food, or more like your food, the other ones started to talk to me too.

I was a little bit overwhelmed with all the attention at first but quickly adjusted and I felt myself relaxing over the time.

I couldn't remember the last time I talked to such a big group, let alone enjoy myself while doing it.

I found out that Youngjae and Jaebum were dating and you explained to me how your ‚2jae ship' sailed with Jackson adding some points to make the whole story more romantic.

Youngjae got flustered and hid his face in his boyfriend's chest while Jaebum stroked his back lovingly, listening to your and Jackson's story.

It was nice being with all of you, more than nice to be honest.

But of course everything good had to end at some point. We all stood up and I thanked you and the others for having me over today. You looked surprised at my words and I was confused. Did I say something wrong?

"You don't have to thank us Yugyeom", you told me and I couldn't find a single hint of a lie in your voice.

But how did you know my name? I never mentioned it today.

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