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Authors note:
Hey, so this chapter is a little bit shorter. Sorry about that.


Beep! Beep!-

Morty shut off the alarm for 7:30am quickly. He had actually been staring at his clock for the last hour, waiting for it to go off. He tried to sleep- he really did. Just like every night he tried. But any attempt was futile, unless he was drunk off his ass. Sometime around six in the morning Morty gave up trying and decide to just stare at his damn alarm clock until it went off.

He got up, got into a new pair of clothes- his usual attire, but with the addition of a jacket because it's still raining outside, and headed downstairs. Conroy was setting the table and Beth was making breakfast. Morty sat in his usual spot. Conroy rolled up to him without hesitation.

"Morty, I've decided to keep you on the extra pills that you had yesterday." He says, somehow sounding more serious than usual despite the fact that a robot can't feel the emotion of urgency. "You'll have to take it every day, even on the days that you eat normal food, such as today." He then extended another tube-like arm above Mortys plate and four of the same pills from yesterday popped out. Yesterday Conroy had given him three of those pills. The Bastard is upping the dosage...

Morty gave Conroy a fake smile, trying to seem happy. "Okay."

Conroy seemed to be content with the answer, and turned away without another word to go help Beth in the kitchen. Morty quickly dumped the pills into his jacket pocket, thankful that no one else in the house was in the dining room to see him. He will never take those pills. Never. And if he had to act the part, he would.


Today everyone was packed in the gym, rather than the auditorium, or separated into classrooms. They had installed a projector at some point, and another Space Documentary was once again playing for everyone to see. Principal Vagina had said that the reason they decided to play documentaries about space every day was because a bunch of aliens just came from space, and so he wants them to learn a bit more about space before the new education system is set in place. 'How smart.' Morty thought sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

It surprised Morty that it was taking so long for the Galactic Federation to set up a proper education system for humans, but then again it was probably because they were more focused on government stuff. They didn't really give a shit about humans anyway. It was more about getting money from alien tourists. As of right now, Earth was pretty popular because it was so new. Once it grew old, Morty was sure the Galactic Federation would either turn humans into slaves, or take all of their resources. Or both. Who knows? They're fucked either way.

Morty sat at a table set up in the back right corner of the gym. He sat alone, despite the fact that the circular white cheep-looking plastic table had five empty seats around it. The teen didn't really have friends. Well, he had a friend. Rick was his friend, his best friend in fact. Morty growled at himself as he snapped a rubber band that was round his wrist. He had picked it up before he went to school. He read somewhere that if you snap a rubber band on your wrist you can train your mind to stay away from certain thoughts. Such as his good for nothing Grand- He snapped the rubber band a second time.

All that Morty could gather about the documentary was that its about gravity in space. It was pretty boring, actually. But only because Morty already knew how that stuff worked because of a certain someone- Snap!

Damn it! Did all of his thoughts seriously have to link back to him?! God damn, he needed a distraction. Morty scanned the room with his eyes. No one else was paying attention to the documentary. Figures- kids will always take any free time they can get their hands on, and it seemed that the teachers didn't really care either. It's not like they're getting paid, and they're sure to get fired once the new education system is in place.

As far as the Galactic Federation was concerned, humans are stupid. It's ironic of them to think that, because the literal smartest being in the universe is Rick, who is HUMAN- Morty snapped the rubber band a little harder than he had the past few times, and winced from the pain.

Morty continued to scan the room for a distraction until his eyes landed on his sister. She was sitting at a jam-packed table with Ethan and a bunch of their friends. Must be nice, having friends. Morty wondered what that would be like- to be friends with someone who wouldn't constantly insult him. Someone who was more his age, rather than an old man. Someone who wouldn't ditch you- God fucking damn it! Morty snapped the rubber band four times.

He guessed there was Sarah, that one friend Summer just carelessly tossed away. How could she do something like that when there are people out there who don't have any friends at all? Sarah was a genuine friend, too- she even helped Morty and Aberdolf Linkler get that stupid Crystal that was supposed to get them back home, even though in the end it turned out to be drugs. Rick had- Snap!

But Sarah and Morty only talked a couple of times. After that party they gained a weird relationship where they would say hi to each other on the halls, but weren't really friends. He didn't see her much nowadays.

Morty scanned the crowd again, already board of his older sisters shenanigans. He found Jessica and her group of friends. And Brad, to Morty's dismay, had his arm around Jessica's shoulders. There was a small spark of jealousy that passed through him, but the feeling was so quick to fade that it was almost like it was never there. He'd had a crush on Jessica for years now, but Morty got the nagging feeling that she would never even think twice about going out with him.

She was popular and had this weird on-and-off thing always going on with Brad, and Morty was... how do you put this? He was unpopular, but everyone knew who he was because A: his sister is one of the popular girls in school, and B: his Grandfather always made a grand entrance when he decided he wanted to take him on an adventure while he was at school. Morty was sure that everyone had seen Rick barge in and steal him at least once. Rick had even done it once while Morty was at lunch, and everyone saw. He snapped the rubber band on his wrist again. It seemed that it was going to happen a lot.

And it's not like Morty was really focused on his love life right now. He was too caught we up in the fact that Rick had bailed on him. His best friend was gone, forever probably. Romance was the least of his worries. He could care less about that part of his life. He would trade that part of his life if it meant getting Rick back- what the fuck was he saying?! He didn't want Rick back here! He bailed on him! He left! Gone! Sayonara! Goodbye! And good riddance- Snap!

Morty misses him so much- Snap! He'd take him back, even after what he did to hurt him, and that scares him- Snap!

He still can't tell if he hates or misses Rick more. Jesus Fucking Christ- Snap!

Morty sunk down on his chair, burying his face in his arms. God, he was so tired. If only he could sleep. How could someone be constantly exhausted, and not have the ability to get a good nights rest? Maybe it was his bed? Maybe it wasn't comfortable anymore? It was so frustrating. He wanted to sleep. He wished It was Saturday so he could drink himself to sleep. That's the only thing that seemed to work for him anymore. Father like daughter... daughter like son. It was going down the line, and Morty was all too aware of it. Life was so fucked up.

Authors note:
Like I said, it's short, and I'm sorry. The next chapters are longer, I swear. Thanks for reading!

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