Elevator Music

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Authors note
Heyyyy, how's it going people? I'm going to a Katy Perry concert soon! Yay! Have fun reading!


Summer and Morty both got an urgent call from their mother about thirty minutes ago. Luckily, it's after school hours so they could actually take care of this situation. Apparently there was a terrorist attack at Jerry's work place, and he was sent to the hospital. Their mother was out "grocery shopping" when she got the call from the hospital, and she was stuck in a long line and needed them both to check up on their father. With the knowledge that people weren't allowed to eat every day, the grocery stores tended to be packed, so it was understandable that she was stuck in line. Alien tourists tended to also fill the grocery stores, eager to try some human food. Summer had driven them to the hospital, and they both signed in. The lady up front- a middle aged woman in a nurses uniform, with a mop of blond curly hair and purple highlights on top of her head- informed them that their dad, Jerry Smith, was on floor three, room number 16.

Half way to floor three, the elevator abruptly halted, nearly jolting both teens to the floor. The overhead light flickering a bit, and a weird clanking sound came from outside. The siblings both froze, looking at each other with panic in their eyes. But the panic didn't last long. They'd faced worse on adventures. They could take being trapped in an elevator for a little while.

"Well, this sucks." Said Summer, pressing the 'Emergency' button on the number panel. Of all days for the elevator to break down. At least they aren't falling to their death.

A red lightbulb flashed at them twice before a voice sounded through the same speaker that had previously been playing cheesy elevator music just moments ago. "Please stay still, we are sending help. The repair man should be here soon, and they'll get you guys out of there. How many people are inside, and does anyone need any immediate medical attention?"

"Uh, two people, and no." Summer answered, her voice sounding board as ever.

"Okay, good." The random voice says. "We should be able to get you two out of there in ten minutes. If there are any complications press the emergency button again. Stay calm, and stay put." The speaker abruptly shut off, and elevator music resumed playing.

Morty chuckled, though it didn't really feel genuine in any way. "D-Did-did that guy seriously tell us to stay put? Where else can we go?"

Summer chuckled back. "I dunno. Maybe some people would try to find a way out? Like, crawl through the ceiling, or try to pry the doors open?"

"Maybe." Morty hummed.

There was an awkward pause. The two siblings hadn't spoken much since Rick ditched them.

"So," Summer finally said, breaking the icey surface of the awkward silence. She gave Morty that look she gave him when she knew something that he didn't, and he tensed. "You're not taking those pills Conroy gave you, are you?"

Morty looked at her with shock, his eyes widening and his face going pale. "I-I do take the pills!" He defended, but it was already too late to lie. What she said had shocked him so much that he just couldn't keep his poker face. Guess that makes two people he can't lie to... Morty snapped the rubber band on his wrist in annoyance.

"Morty..." Summer narrows her eyes at her younger brother. "You can trust me, ya know."

Morty slumped his shoulders. It's not that he couldn't trust her... it's just... he doesn't want to burden her with any of his bullshit. But if he did decide to tell anyone, it would definitely be Summer. She's the only person in the world who he can trust right now with Rick out of the picture. Heck, sometimes he'd even trust Summer over Rick when it came to certain things. Maybe telling her would do him some good. "F-Fine... I-I don't take them." He admits. "B-but you can't tell anyone!" He looked at her desperately.

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