Unforgivable Thoughts

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Authors note: I hope this chapter turned out okay. I wasn't so sure about it. Please tell me what you think.

As it turns out, forgiving himself had morphed into thoughts of a much more... unforgiving nature. Thoughts that were thoughts someone like himself should never think about. Rick thought about this horrible truth as he absentmindedly ran his fingers through Morty's mousey brown hair. His hair was so soft, almost like petting a bunny, and Rick somehow found comfort in playing with it while the boy slept.

He caught strands of it between his fingers, and curled them around. Morty's hair had gotten a longer since he'd last seen him, perhaps because everyone was too busy worrying about the Federation's invasion to be worried about the length of the teens hair.

The small adventure to the food court had sufficiently warn the poor kid out, and he'd fallen sleep maybe about ten minutes after the two of them returned to their hospital room. While Morty had been blissfully asleep, Victoria had returned and informed Rick that the Freedom Fighter Leaders had sent a request for a meeting with him to discuss Federation matters, and that it was scheduled for the next day. They also wanted Morty to come along. But for now, him and Morty would relax.

Relaxing wasn't as easy as it sounded, because Morty had woken up screaming and sobbing in the middle of the night, likely from a nightmare. Rick was next to him so fast that the old man didn't even register he was moving until he was already holding the boy in his arms, rocking back and forth, and whispering "I got you"'s and "You're safe"'s. Eventually, Morty had drifted to sleep again, thanks to Rick, and the old man got stuck underneath him on the bed.

Morty's head was propped up on his chest, one arm draping over him in a half-hug. Rick had his right arm, the one with the broken hand, underneath Morty's back, holding him closer to side. Yep, he's stuck. Rick was having one of those moments that are similar to not wanting to move because a cat is on their lap. Except it was a teenage boy instead of a cat, and he was dealing with some pretty horrifying thoughts.

Rick didn't want to admit it. He hated to admit it. But he was disgusting. There had to be something mentally wrong with him, and if Morty ever found out, he'd be sure to hate him forever. He'd been thinking about it a lot recently, especially since they got to the hospital. Lately he's just been overwhelmed with strong emotions that are driving him crazy. Emotions he should have never started to feel.

Rick Sanchez of Earth, dimension C-142, is the most disgusting Rick of all, because he has fallen in love with his Grandson. Well, he wasn't in love per say, but well on the process of falling for someone he shouldn't fall for. And boy, did he feel it creeping up on him.

Something about how Morty made him feel. How he could get lost in those large, brown eyes. How he could keep him sane, and how everything seemed to light up when he walked into the room. His voice, his smile, his laugh, all the way down to how the boy smelt, and how he looked up at him with wonder when he'd show him something amazing.

And sometimes, the kid could even make him laugh when no one else could. He could make him smile in a way that no other person could. Sometimes he would count down the minutes until Morty would come home from school, and he'd be so desperate to spend time with him that he'd pull random adventures out of his ass just to drag him out of bed in the middle of the night.

Morty had seen so many bad sides of him, yet he refused to leave. He always saw past the worst parts of him, and focused on the stuff that was good. He put up with his shit, told him when he was being a dick, and put him in check when he was going too far.

And not only did he except the good parts of him, but he excepted every part of Rick. He excepted the insane, narcissistic, asshole part of him that Rick knew he was. Morty excepted the whole package, while everyone else either tried to forget that Rick was a bad person, or hated him because he's a bad person.

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