Dusk-Chapter Eight

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Carlos turned his back and walked off, but I just stood there watching him. Finally, I regained my senses and shouted, "Carlos!"

He stopped and slowly turned to face me. He frowned and muttered, "What?"

I stepped towards him. "You're not human, right?"

He looked shocked. His eyes widened and he kept clenching and unclenching his fists. "No. I'm not. Happy? Now please, leave."

I stepped towards him again. "I know what you are. You, are a werewolf. I know it."

He walked towards me and grabbed my arm. "So what're you going to do about it? Call the police and have them shoot me? And besides, no one is supposed to know this, Ellice!" he said angrily.

"But I do," I lightly touched the arm where I had shot him. "I'm so sorry for your arm. If I had known it was you, I wouldn't have done it."

His anger faded, and his face looked soft and sympathetic. "You can't tell anyone. Please," he begged.

I nodded. Then I choked out one word, "Vampire."

His eyes widened again. "How...?"

"Alexander is a vampire."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "They're the werewolves' enemies. I knew something was up with him. What did he do to you?" he demanded.

"Nothing! I visited his family today. They told me the history of the vampires," I say.

Carlos glared at me. "Never stay with the vampires, Ellice? Okay? They are dangerous. Promise me you won't."

I gulp and give a small nod. Even Carlos says the vampires are dangerous. And yet, one was in love with me. And somehow I felt myself falling for him.

"Alex loves me," I blurted out.

"What did you say?" Carlos asks furiously.

"He loves me. H-he wants my blood," I continued, stuttering.

"He can't love you. Do you love him?" he asked me, his face anxious.

I grab his arm again and mutter, "I'm falling for him. I can't control it."

We stood there so close together, the tips of our feet touching, the silence deadly.

"But I love you, too," he said softly.

I gasp and pull back from him.

"But I don't love you that way," I said.

He shook his head. "You're attracted to Alex, Ellice. Vampires have a way of doing that. I want you to love me. Not Alex."

I glance up at him. "I don't know what to say," I told him.

"You don't have to say anything," he said, his voice intimate.

Then he took my face in his hands and moved our faces even closer. He shut his eyes and kissed me. It was sweet, and his lips were warm. I willed myself to stop this, but instead I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck, and pulling him closer. His arms went around my waist, and we kept kissing. Somehow, I wanted to keep kissing him, but I knew it was wrong. I couldn't decide. I was betraying Alex if I loved him, but fulfilling Carlos if I kept acting like this.

Finally, Carlos pulled away slowly, but kept his arms secured around me. He looked at me, pressing his forehead to mine, and said, "Not bad for a first kiss." Then he gave a faint, breathy laugh.

I looked away and swallowed hard and mumble, "Yeah."

He looks at me concerned, then a grim expression crosses his face. "Don't. Don't think about Alexander. You're just going to end up getting hurt both ways, physically and mentally," he says.

I pull away from him and shake my head. "I'm not making any decisions right now. The past few days were chaos. My mother was murdered, I've learned that there are fairy tale creatures like vampires and werewolves, and they are both in love with me."

He frowned and looked sympathetic. "Look, I, am really sorry, Ellice. For all of this. But I gotta go."

I threw myself at him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "No, stay!"

He held onto me and and whispered, "I will never leave you."

I sank to the ground, bringing him down with me. We lay on the soft grass, the birds around us singing a soft melody. I closed my eyes and breathe in the fresh air, while I turn my head slightly to glance at Carlos, holding me. I move closer and rest my head on his shoulder, taking in his warmth. I see him look at me, and we stare at each other for a while, ever so quietly. I finally break the silence and whisper, "Stay with me forever."

He opens his mouth to reply, but that's when I see Alex dashing out of the trees surrounding us. He looks at both of us, holding each other, our faces close, and the looks in our eyes.

"Ellice..." Alex begins, but can't finish.

I try to speak, but no sound comes out. Carlos just looks at me and shakes his head.

"Alex, don't do this to me," I say suddenly.

"No, you don't do this to me!" he yells angrily.

"Please," I beg.

He lowered his voice and looked at Carlos. "A wolf?"

I look at them both and remembered that they were sworn enemies. "Don't hurt each other..." I whimper helplessly.

Alex shakes his head and turns to me. "Do you love him? The wolf?"

I glance down at the tips of my shoes and shrug. "I don't know."

"You said you loved me," he said quietly.

It broke my heart to see him like that. I could feel my eyes starting to water, and my heart pounding. "Please, just don't do this to me," I repeat.

Alex shook his head again and said, "I don't want to keep you like this. I don't want to force you to love me. If you love him, so be it. And you, wolf boy, if you hurt her, you'll be hearing from me."

Carlos glared at him and calmly said, "Tell it to your own self."

Alex glared at stepped closer to him. I rushed over and stood in the middle of both of them. "Stop! No! Don't hurt yourselves!"

They both looked at me and stopped glaring at each other. Alex turned around and started walking away. I chased after him and grabbed his arm. "Don't leave me, please," I begged.

He peeled my hand off of his arm, and muttered, "I have to tell you something."

From the look in his eyes, I knew it couldn't be good.

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