Dusk-Chapter Ten

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 "The alliance is on. Just be careful where you step," Carlos said grimly to Alex.

We were in the forest, the same forest when I first saw Carlos as a wolf, when I learned that Alex was a vampire, and where Carlos and I had our first kiss. This was where they were going to train for the upcoming war. To be honest, I was quite nervous of how this would all turn out. Carlos had asked the wolves about an alliance with Alex's family, in order to help them with the battle. Now that they were both in on this together, I could only cross my fingers and hope that they could come through together on this.

"Please. Save all that talk for later, dog," Alex said, quickly brushing him off.

"Shut it, Alex," I said, exasperated.

I saw Carlos roll his eyes and smirk, and shoot him a dirty look. I sigh and throw my hands up in the air. This was all just too crazy.

"Carlos? Don't. Alex? Again, please shut it. I kind of don't want you to die in this war, so we're going to be needing every single second of our time to train. And Alex, you're going to have to hunt. You know what I'm talking about," I said sternly.

"She's right," agreed Carlos.

"You only say that because you love her," Alex said.

"I thought you love her too. Does it mean I can have her now?" Carlos asked teasingly.

I roll my eyes at them. Truth is, I loved both of them. Romantically. But they could be quite irritating and always arguing with each other. Just once, I wish that they would take my advice and learn that at least they could be friends. No, not even. Companions was good enough for me.

I watched as Alex sighed and sniffed the air hungrily. I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder. "Thirsty?"

He nodded. "I think I'm going to have to leave. We can train tomorrow."

I smiled and let him go. I watched him speed off into the distance, and then turned reluctantly to Carlos. He crossed over and put his arms around my waist. There was nothing to fill the silence; just the feel of his warm lips against my forehead. I didn't pull back, just stood there while he held me close. 

"We should get going," I muttered, taking a small step back from him.

"Where? It's not like we're in that much of a hurry, are we?" he asked me.

I just shake my head and turn my back, beginning to walk away. I walk five steps before I hear Carlos' voice, ordering me back.

"Ellice? Come here," he hissed.

"I'm not in the mood of playing servant, Carlos," I say, still walking away.

"Don't! There's a vampire!" he yelled, scrambling after me.

It was one split second too late. He had just grabbed my arm when I saw a beautiful girl appear in front of me. I looked at her delicate features: curled, thick golden blonde hair, pale pink lips, and creamy, pale skin. As I stared into her eyes, I saw that strange hazy golden-brown color and realized that Carlos was right, and I should've listened to him. This vampire looked thirsty, and I knew I was going to be her next victim. 

"Perfect," she slurred.

Carlos shoved me behind him and hissed at her. I saw small, brown hairs poking out of his skin, and I realized he was ready to transform into a wolf. And that wasn't going to be good.

The vampire looked like she didn't even notice Carlos. In fact, she seemed as if she was in a sort of trance. She took a graceful step forward towards me, and I watched as she licked her lips with delight. Her eyes were burning with some sort of light, and she appeared to be trembling with excitement. I let out a small gulp and felt a trickle of sweat run down from my forehead. 

"That scent. It's so...." she began, thinking of a suitable word. "Beautiful. Yes, you are beautiful."

I squeezed my eyes shut when I heard a loud growl. I watched as the bones in Carlos' body began shifting, and the hairs spreading. He whimpered a bit, then he threw his head back and was in his werewolf form. He rested on his front paws, his rear end poking up, preparing to strike. The vampire didn't even blink.

"All I'm going to do is play with you a little bit. We'll have fun. Don't you remember the other day? I'm sorry to say I couldn't get to you sooner. But now, here you are. Poor, defenseless, and vulnerable. I think you are the best one yet," she said playfully.

I take a step back as Carlos howled and ran forward, knocking the air out of the vampire. She shrieked and scrambled up, speeding away in one blur. But before she left, I caught her last words.

"Wolves? No, no, they cannot be with Alexander! We're going to lose!" she shouted.

She knows who Alexander is? And what did she mean by that they were going to lose? Was she with the Necrophyles, and was going to battle us as well? My mind was spinning and I collapsed to the ground. I watched as Carlos ran for me, nudging me up. I gathered up my strength and he helped me to rise up to my feet unsteadily.

"I'm okay," I murmur.

Carlos led me out of the forest, and into my SUV. He shoved me in and slammed the door, jogging towards the forest again, preparing to change back to human. I took deep breaths as I waited, and in less than ten minutes, he reappeared and got into the driver's seat, starting the engine.

"Sorry," I say quietly.

"For what?" he asked. But from the look in his eyes, I knew he already knew what I was talking about.

"For ignoring you when you called me back. I should've listened," I say sadly.

"Look, it's not your fault. Really. But we've both gotta be more careful," he said, placing his hand on top of mine and squeezing it.

I nod and stare out my window. I silently wish that Elle was still with me, and she could listen to my problems. I missed her so much. I was just telling her the events of the day when my cellphone rang.

"Ellice? Are you alright?" Alex asked worriedly.

"Uh, yeah. I'm guessing you were reading my mind, and you know what happened?" I say nervously.

"Yes. Did Giselle hurt you? I'm so sorry I left. I should've stayed and protected you," he said grimly.

"Giselle? It was her?" I ask, surprised.

"You didn't know?" he asked concerned.

"No. She just said that the wolves can't be with you or they're going to lose," I say.

Silence on the other end. Then I heard, "I didn't tell you. Giselle, she's with the Necrophyles. That's why she's never at home. She's not technically my sibling. She's only someone I know because Christopher changed her. I've been trying to avoid her ever since she's claimed that the Necrophyles were going to battle against us."

I gasp. I end the call and drop my phone back into my sweater pocket. This battle was going to something bigger than I expected. Bigger than what all of us expected.

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