Chapter 6

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*Claires pov*

As the cookies were baking Rylie and I played some more games, I found she really likes the blue squeaky ball and could chase it around the house forever if she had the time. Once the cookies finished and cooled a bit we each had a few, which Rylie was overjoyed to hear she could eat, and are now on the couch watching TV. Well, I'm watching TV, Rylie's sound asleep with her head resting on my stomach.

I smile down at her and pet her ears, looking up when I see my mom walk into my house. She never knocks so I've gotten used to it. She looked over the two of us with slight disapproval.

"Claire, you shouldn't allow pet on your couch. She could rip it." My mother says and I sigh. 

"Mom she's not hurting anyone by sitting here." I tell her as I play with her short, black hair causing an adorable purr to escape her sleeping form. 

"Well where am I supposed to sit?" she says giving me a look. My mom has always had her ideas about what a proper lady should act like, what men should act like, how pets should be treated, on and on and on. She's stubborn too, I guess that's where I get it. 

"Hmm the chair." I say gesturing at the arm chair. my mother huffs before going to sit in it.

"You're treating her too much like a human." she states watching me play with her hair. I smile thinking of Rylie would be like as a human. She could be happy, I've seen enough scars on her to tell me that she's had at least one abusive master not to mention the fear of upsetting me. If she was a human I bet shed be really perky, probably childish too but she's already childish even if the fear makes her hide it. I realize I've been daydreaming about her too long when my mom clears her throat.

"I just, I think she deserves to be happy. I mean look at her, she's too young to be treated like a common house cat." I say and brush my thumb over her cheek. Rylie nuzzles into my touch and I blush lightly realizing what I've been doing. 

"Claire, I know how much you love neko but that's exactly what she is, a common house cat." My mother says as she looks between us. "And you should really start treating her like one before she thinks she hold the power over you."

I roll my eyes at her and close my eyes, snuggling into the warmth Rylie was giving me. My mom hasn't spent much time with her so she wouldn't know but its pretty clear that Rylie will never try to get me to do anything I don't want.  Rylie gave a small whine in her sleep then gripped onto my shirt. 

"Shh, its alright Rylie I'm right here." I soothe her softly, in the few days I've had her nightmares happen every night but it seems to help f she hears someone's voice to calm her. 

"She's an animal Claire." my mom starts but I stop her. 

"She's half cat, or from the looks of it she's even less than that. I mean, she's got cat ears and a tail but she thinks like us, she talks like us, if it want for being trained otherwise shed probably act just like us as well. 

Eventually my mother gave up and said she was leaving for her pottery class, not before stealing a cookie of course. As I'm carrying Rylie up to my bed she started mumbling in her sleep. I laid her down and listened to try and make out what she was saying. I made out my name in her words a few times but wasn't sure what else she said. 

"What was that Rylie?" I ask hoping she'd repeat it. 

"Love mistress, Love Claire." she mumbled again making my cheeks go a bright red. 

No I'm taking this the wrong way, she must just mean she loves me like all pets love their masters, in a loyal caring kind of way not romance. But I did just say it myself that they're just like humans. 

After a few moments I heard her quiet voice again. "Mistress?" 

This time as I looked down at her I saw her little blue grey eyes looking right back up at me. 

"Yes Rylie?" I ask her, trying to hide the shyness in my voice at what id just overheard, feeling like it was an invasion of her privacy.

"Can you lay with me?" she asks and then tenses, looking away as if shes expecting me to react badly. She seems to think ill react badly every time she asks for something, like she thinks she has no choice in her own life. I need to ask her about her past, someday when shes more comfortable around me.

"M-mistress?" she asks making me realize id been staring at her for too long, her eyes had started to tear up and I immediately hugged her on instinct. my sudden move seemed to scare her more and I could feel her heart racing before she slowly hugged me back, hiding in my arms. 

"Sorry Rylie I was just thinking, of course ill lay with you." I tell her as I find myself a spot on the bed. She visibly relaxes when I say yes. 

"You make the scary dreams go away." she mumbles, her voice muffled by my shirt where she'd hidden her face. "Don't like the scary dreams."

"Its okay Rylie, ill protect you from those dreams." I tell her. 

"Forever?" she asks looking up at me with hope and some other emotion in her eyes but she's once again trying to hide them. 

"As long as you want to be mine, then ill protect you." I tell her honestly. Because if I'm being completely honest with myself, I want her to be with her forever. 


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