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The unmistakable scream of the Shadow-Blender charging it's fire blast rang throughout the night, ringing over the noise of fighting Vikings. Someone screamed, "Night Fury!" and everyone ducked as a white-blue bolt of fire blasted through the sky, exploding against a catapult. It burst through the wood, causing the entire structure to collapse, and everything not in tiny pieces burned as they fell to the ground below. The only thing visible of the famed monster was it's black silhouette, blocking out the stars. It dashed away with its unrivaled speed, using the warm updrafts from the fire to its advantage.

It rose above the roar of the fight, higher and higher, it's venom-green eyes scanning the island. It kept an eye out on its fellow dragons, making sure none were in too deep, and lending a fire blast when needed. Its eyes caught a group of Yearlings who were surrounded by a larger group of Vikings. With a snarl, the Shadow-Blender dove, wings tucking against its body as it charged another blast. It shot the bolt into the largest group of Vikings, knocking them away, and it roared, telling the Yearlings to flee. They rose, dashing away on Magic-fueled wings, and called back a thanks to the Shadow-Blender.

As it curved away, a small cry caught it's ears, and it glanced around, seeing a Wood-Nest on the top of a hill on fire. Something drew the black dragon towards it, and it landed on the roof, glancing around once more before entering the wooden structure through a flaming hole. It landed on the ground with a quiet thump, and it's keen eyes spotted a strange bed, the cries coming from it. The Shadow-Blender crept towards it, pupils wide in curiosity, and it glanced into the bed, seeing a Viking-Hatchling nestled in a bunch of furs. The Viking-Hatchling met the eyes of the Dragon and cooed, holding out one of its strange paws, and the Shadow-Blender reached out and let the Viking-Hatchling grab one of its claws. It crooned, bringing its face closer and sniffed the Viking-Hatchling, cocking its head.

The sound of a quiet gasp and something caught it's attention, and turned its head and stared at a Viking Female, who was pressed against the wall, a hand against her mouth to stifle any other noises. It raised an eyebrow, but decided that since she was unarmed and not making any moves towards him that she wasn't a threat, yet, and turned its attention back to the Viking-Hatchling. Suddenly the entrance to the Wood-Nest slammed open, and a huge Viking charged in, a Long-Claw in its hand. The Shadow-Blender jumped, nicking the Viking-Hatchling's face, and hissed, pupils narrowing into slits.

It glanced at the Viking-Hatchling, then back at the two grown Vikings, and made a stupid decision. It grabbed the Viking-Hatchling in it's mouth, teeth half-out, and took off through the hole in the roof. It gently dropped the Viking-Hatchling into it's claws before calling out the 'Retreat' call, and waiting in the clouds for the rest of the Flare. The Viking-Hatchling was nestled against its chest, apparently asleep, or at least quiet. Soon, the majority of the Flare had joined him, the only ones not there lost in the battle. "Everyone Ready?" It asked. The rest of the dragons nodded and called their agreements, and the Shadow-Blender turned and started towards the Nest, the rest of the Flare falling in their places behind him.

The only noise was their wingbeats in the air, none of them speaking. They soon made it to the nest, and they dove, entering the stone mountain. The Shadow-Blender let the others give their offerings to Her while he settled on a ledge, watching them. He laid the bundle at its feet, glad it was still silent.

Suddenly a Little-Biter landed beside him, bowing. "Shadow-Blender?"

"What is it, Little-Biter?" He asked, glancing at the small dragon.

"The Queen wants to see you," she said, bowing. The Shadow-Blender nodded and stood up, but paused when the Little-Biter continued speaking. "She says to bring that with you," she mumbled, pointing her nose at the bundle.

The Shadow-Blender narrowed his eyes, but nodded again, gathering up the Viking-Hatchling and taking off, gliding down into the red fog, landing on a small clearing, placing the bundle between his feet. "You wanted to see me?"

The Queen's massive head rose from the bubbling lava, the molten rock streaming down Her scales. "You brought a Viking into the nest," She hissed, eyes narrowing. The Shadow-Blender bowed, low, belly against the ground, and opened his mouth but She cut him off. "You know how dangerous that is."

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me," he mumbled, not meeting Her eyes.

She laughed, but it wasn't a kind one. She brought Her head closer, and sniffed at the Viking-Hatchling. "I can change this."

The Shadow-Blender cocked his head, "How?"

She laughed again, this one kinder than the first. "By changing him into a dragon, of course!" She brought Her head closer, and pressed her forehead against the bundle, closing her eyes. The Viking-Hatchling let out a pained screech, causing the Shadow-Blender to flinch and cover his ears. As soon as it started, the scream quieted, and the Queen pulled Her head away, bringing some of the furs with Her.

A brown figure was curled up in a ball, wings pressed tightly against its back and tail over its nose. The Shadow-Blender crept closer, and reared back in surprise when he realized it was another Shadow-Blender! This one was brown instead of his glossy black scales, and had lighter brown spots scattered across its face, ear plates, and shoulders. "He is your responsibility," The Queen murmured, nodding once to signal he could go.He picked up the bundle in his mouth by its scruff, and raised his wings to leave. He looked at the Queen, nodded "thank you" at Her, and lifted into the air, using the thermals from the lava to rise easily. The Queen's head disappeared into the fog, and he turned away, to his cave and landed, curling around the baby Shadow-Blender. 

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