Chapter 1

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A/N: So I just wanted to tell you the posting schedule for this:
I will update Bi-Monthly, aka one every two weeks, on Saturdays. 
It will start on the next update.

Chapter is rated T for violence.


Warm air from the burning village filled his wings, allowing the brown Shadow-Blender to rise easily into the depths of the sky. His keen eyes scanned the ground below, lending a claw where needed. He dashed and dodged over his half of the island, blowing up catapults and watch towers, blasting any Viking that got to close to a flock-member with its back turned. As the brown Shadow-Blender flipped and made another fly-by, his forest-green eyes saw his brother, black form nearly invisible against the moonless night sky. He called out a short greeting, banking, and swooped closer to fall in next to the other Shadow-Blender.

"Toothless," he called happily, tail waving slightly in the air. The other looked over at him and gave him a toothless grin, tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"Nice shooting out there. Your aim is almost as good as mine," he purred, teasingly. Toothless' acid-green eyes shone in the flickering fire-light from below them, his scales stained orange-red-yellow as they flew another lap over the island.

The brown Shadow-Blender opened his mouth to speak when a cry filled the night. Forest and acid-green eyes met, and with an unspoken agreement, they both banked, mouths filling with gas. They dove, interwinding around each other, and their dual screams made the Vikings below them shudder and silence. They both blasted at the same time, fire-blasts combining into one, their aim true. As the blast hit a cluster of vikings who had a Two-Walker pinned, they both turned away, Toothless left, him right, and swooped past the destruction, hearing the relieved chirp the Two-Walker called after them.

They rose, dashing between a Two-Neck and a Flame-Skin who were carrying a net full of fish between them, and stopped, hovering as they examined their Flare. It seemed like most of the Flare had their claws full of prey. Without the use of words, they both knew what the other was thinking. Time to call the retreat and head back to the Nest. The sun would rise soon, anyway, so they best get going.

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

The dual Shadow-Blenders opened their mouths and screamed, "Flare! To us! Time to leave!" The dragons all raised their heads, either calling their agreements, or, if their mouths were full, nodding, rising up to meet the Shadow-Blenders. No-one had been lost that night, though the Two-Walker from before had a nasty gash on her neck, blood running steady rivers down her chest and staining her scales red. One of the Elders had a small hole in her wing- they could tell without needing to look- the wing flowing through it with a whistle. The Shadow-Blenders waited a moment, then took off, the younger falling in his place slightly behind Toothless, the elder behind him. The rest of the flare soon fell into their places, and they made their way back to the nest, back to Her, to give their offerings and rest.

As they grew closer, they let those who were hurt more than just a couple scrapes go before them, before the two entered the Nest, weaving through the numerous tunnels that lead to the main cave. The Shadow-Blenders watched as their Flare dropped the offerings into the chasm in the center that lead to Her, before they swooped to their shared cave. Toothless landed first, trotting over to their shared nest, and he smiled at the brown dragon, who also padded over to the nest.

"I'm so tired," the brown Shadow-Blender complained, flopping onto his side and covering his face with his wing. "I don't want to move ever again."

"Stop being dramatic, Hiccup," Toothless scoffed, settling down next to his brother.

Hiccup laughed, before rising onto his front paws and rubbing his cheek against Toothless' with a purr full of love and adoration. Toothless returned the favor, and the two curled up against each other. Their combined purring lulled Hiccup into a almost-sleep, and he drowsily smiled up at Toothless, who laid his head on top of Hiccup's.

"Sleep, dummy."

Hiccup hummed something, but his hum was quickly cut off as his exhaustion caught up to him.


Another night, another flare. This one was supposed to be simple: scout these islands, do not engage, do not steal. And it had been going so well, too! Until...

Until a young, arrogant Flame-Skin decided to show off, broke from the formation and was seen. Instantly shouts from the village below them sprouted up, yelling "Dragon Raid!" Toothless rolled his eyes, and roared, "Idiot! Get back in the formation."

The Yearling started to rise, but a net was thrown, and his wings got tangled, and he plummeted. His friend, a Hum-Wing, dropped to free him, and that's when chaos broke loose.

Now, they were fighting for their lives, trying to get away, to get back home. Hiccup dodged a wayward arrow, filtering gas into the back of his throat. "Come on, give me something to shoot at, gimme something to shoot at." His eyes dashed around, resting on a tall, wooden structure a bunch of Vikings we're on, using the height to their advantage. He pumped his wings, streaming forward, and prepared to fire--

Something slammed into him, hard, wrapping itself around his body, pinning his wings and tail at awkward, painful angles, and he fell, his captured body unable to spread its wings to slow the descent. He saw Toothless had seen him, and was now racing towards his falling body.

"Toothless, No!" He screeched with all the air in his lungs. "Don't come after me! You'll be captured too! Don't--" His sentence was cut off when his body slammed into the ground, kicking up dirt and rocks as he skid painfully to a stop. He struggled to get his feet under him, but the thing was still attached to him, binding him and leaving him unable to flee. Vikings surrounded him, afraid to get close, but clearly curious.

"What in Thor's bloody name is that," he heard a Viking shout, probably pointing at his prone body. He ignored them, catching Toothless' worried eyes and shaking his head, crooning a quiet, "No."

Toothless looked away, his teeth clenched, and Hiccup's ear-plates lowered is sadness and fear. "Flare! To me! Retreat!!" He screamed, glancing back at Hiccup. "I'm sorry, brother. I'll come back for you." He took off, the rest of the flare following.

His attention was brought painfully back to the Vikings as something pressed into his throat, digging into the softer scales. He snarled, all his teeth bared, and stared into the person holding the sword to his throat. The Viking was huge, easily towering over him, even if Hiccup were standing and not on the ground, with red hair, and green eyes. If Hiccup was any less smart, he would've already blasted the Viking to oblivion, but he was surrounded, and any wrong move would surely mean his untimely death at their hands.

His eyes never left the Viking's. "Night Fury," he breathed, and Hiccup felt every eye on him again, panicked whispers cropping up around him. "We have finally captured you, beast." Hiccup snarled, teeth bared again, but the Viking didn't flinch.

"What should we do with him, Chief?" Ahh, so this Viking was their King.

"Are ye go'ing tae kill 'im, Stoick?" Another voice asked, a one-legged, one-handed Viking limping up to the Chief-to Stoick.

"No. Take him to the Kill Ring." Objections and yells rang out, mainly consisting of are you crazy?, and I don't want to touch it. "Quiet!" Stoick screamed, and Hiccup curled his lip, still growling. "To. The. Kill. Ring." the Viking shouted again, and the others scrambled to do as he said, not wanting to be on the wrong side of his anger. The Chief's eyes met Hiccups, whose own eyes had never left him, and he growled, "I'll see you later, beast."

"Gladly," Hiccup snarled, snapping his teeth and making a point to look away.

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