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   "This is weird," Michael stated sometime later. Evelynn looked up from her math homework and blinked at him in confusion. He seemed to understand that she had no idea what he meant so he clarified, explaining how they only hang out here, at Alaska's. Evelynn then proceeded to tell him they only met a week ago, and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
   "Did you... want to hang out somewhere else?" Evelynn didn't completely know why this thought  made her a little uncomfortable, although she had an idea. He was still basically a stranger, a stranger who was a sophomore in college. Despite her mother not caring about this fact, there was still something a little unnerving about the thought of Michael and her hanging out elsewhere.
   Michael shrugged and silence cascaded over them. "So...how are things at the University?" He let out a deep sigh and leaned back in his seat as if the question had drained all the life out of him. "Well...there's going to be a Hallowen party at my friend's frat the 28th." He grinned at Evelynn and she didn't know if this was an invitation. She had only ever been to one party, let alone a frat party, and she wouldn't know anyone aside from Michael. "That's pretty cool, I'm probably going to stay in and watch some movies or something."
   Michael didn't seem too disappointed, and Evelynn was surprised to find that she was actually disappointed that he hadn't tried harder to invite her. That's good, though, she thought to herself. He wasn't pushy, he was polite. That was the entire reason they had sparked up this friendship in the first place, and it wouldn't make sense for her to get mad because he wasn't pushing her to go with him. Then again, had it really been an invitation? Or was he just mentioning the party to avoid how classes are doing?
   With a sigh, Evelynn decided not to read too into it, and instead watch as Michael doodled on a napkin. She smiled to herself as he drew leaves falling into Evelynn's curly hair. He wasn't the best artist but when he handed it to her, her heart smiled too, and she gently folded it and put it in her pocket so that she could hang it up on her wall later.

Author's note:

Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. Sorry if it seems to be moving too slowly or too fast. Writer's block can be pretty difficult. Let me know what you guys think in the comments! How do you feel about Michael? He's for sure got more character development heading this way so stay tuned to learn more about him.  There's a lil surprise coming up next chapter. (;

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