I watched from afar as Mike carried my beautiful beloved Colombia inside the cabin,this is the first time I got to see Colombia in real life and not a dream. Her beautiful hair was white as snow and her beautiful dark skin easily complicated it,but her eyes..........oh her eyes is what I long to see looking back at me,I hope her eyes are the beautiful sky blue I've seen in my dreams. In my dreams I've heard her beautiful voice,her pleasant laughter and those beautiful eyes of hers lovingly staring back at me glistening with life and love. I snapped out of my trance as I saw Mike and his friends (minus by beautiful sleeping mate) walk off to the waterfall where tomorrow they will make camp. As soon as they were out of sight I walked inside and walked over to Colombia,and smoothed her hair as I sat on the floor by the couch,watching her sleep. I cover her up better and kiss her cheek getting a beautiful half smile from her beautiful face. She groaned lightly and gracefully,as she half opened her eyes,and my heart skipped a beat........they are the same beautiful sky blue eyes from my dream,I froze as she sleepily raised her hand and put it on my cheek. She gave me a radiantly beautiful smile then closed her eyes again and went back to sleep. My heart soared thinking that she touched me and smiled at me,I was so caught up in the moment that I almost didn't notice that Mike and his friends were coming back. I gave her a light kiss on her cheek and quickly slipped out the back door and into the woods,I looked back at the cabin once more allowing a smile to spread across my face then turned and disappeared back into the woods from which I came.

Save Me
WerewolfColombia is a 20 year old collage student who is in a abusive relationship with her boyfriend of three years.One day a group of her friends talks her into going camping but little did she know that that trip would change her life