I woke up to my friends voices around me ,I looked at their faces but I didnt see the man's face that was watching me when I opened my eyes before I fell asleep again.
I sit up thinking that maybe it was a dream Mike smiles and turns to me.
"How'd you sleep Colombia? "
"I slept good "
Mike proceeded to go into the kitchen and make everyone lunch while we sat and chatted,but my mind still wandered to the man who was in here watching me sleep. He was as handsome as a greek god and his eyes were as gray as the clouds on a stormy day. I seemed to look distant as Lillian Mae snapped her fingers in front of my face. I snapped back to reality as I continued to talk with my friends but my mind always wandered to the greek god that haunted my thoughts. Soon Mike brought out lunch and we played a few games,but my mind wondered to the man. His beautiful grey eyes,his midnight black hair,that faded into white and whipped up into a curl. His smile seemed a thousand times brighter then the sun. Mike waved his hand in front of my face.
"Hello Colombia are you ok? Your zoning out"
"Yeah I'm fine I just was thinking about tomorrow "
I was trying to play it off but I think Mike knew I was laying,I look out the window at the woods and I swear I saw some one looking at me./thank you to all who's added my book to their library and has read it so far this is the first time I'm making one of my writings public so I hope yall like it. Please note this a original work and all this has come from my imaginative mind/

Save Me
WerewolfColombia is a 20 year old collage student who is in a abusive relationship with her boyfriend of three years.One day a group of her friends talks her into going camping but little did she know that that trip would change her life