Chapter 12~ Lillian and Friends

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Chapter 12~ Lillian and Friends


Lilly's POV

Me and my friends were about to steal from Benny's Gas Station. Just some magazines, gum, condoms, and pop. We stared at the security guard as we knew in about two minutes they would be changing shifts. Finally they had the security leave.

We stormed through the door and I ran towards the back. I grabbed condoms and some magazines because everyone else is getting other things. I ran towards the entrance and came to a complete stop. The police had been called and they caught my partners.

"Lilly Shards give the man back his products and surrender!" the chubby faced police officer said.

"that's okay chubbs but I think I should be going."

I ran through the door and kept running to my bike. I hopped on as police cars chased me. I peddled until I reached the corner stop sign. police climbed out of their cars, they came up and grabbed me. They ripped my bag off and threw it to a poilce officer.They dragged me to a police car, and took me towards the station.


Katie's POV

The house phone rang and I ran to get it. I turned the corner and almost fell grabbing the phone. I picked it up and answered it.


"hello we have a ms.Lillian Spards here at the station."

"oh okay officer I will be down there soon."

"okay Katie."


I hung up and ran out the door.


"Lilly what were you thinking stealing magazines and condoms!?!?!"

"Leave me alone Katie!"

"pssshhh I'm not your biggest worry mom and dad are."


Thanks for reading I have like 307 reads on this thank you! <3 all of ya!

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