Chapter 14~ Will I get home?

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This will be a twenty five chapter story maybe more there won't be an epilogue because of the ending thanks for reading!

Chapter 14~ Will I ever get home?

We were pulled from his car an hour later. I can't believe these are my dads true colors. It's just a rude awakening. He dragged us into a cabin, it was better than our own home. Says alot about the guy dragging us. He set us in the living room chained together.

"I'm going to go make me some coffee." he said walking away.

I turned to my sister Lilly. "Lilly mom gave me a cellphone I'm going to call the police." I said.

I took mom's cellphone with my teeth and pulled it on my chest. I nudged 911 with my fingers. I opened it up and pressed speaker.

"911 emergency center state your emergency." a man said.

"my dad stole me and my sister from my mom and I dont know what he's planning he chained us."

"state your adress."

"I can't sir but I know we are somewhere in the mountains." I said.

"okay just d-"

I hung up and shoved my cellphone in my bra. Dad came back with three cups of coffee. I could see the steam coming off of the cup. I could smell the crisp coffee. He set the cups on the little table next to the couch.

He came and brushed our cheeks with his fingers. They were so cold. I was the most terrified I have ever been. He sighed. He reached for the space in between my legs. I closed them really fast. I wasn't about to let him molest me.

"I wouldn't have done that if I were you." he shook his head.

He took a cup of coffee and spilt it down my shirt. It burnt my skin worse than last time. My face reddend with anger. He seriously had the nerve. He smirked and set down the coffee. He reached for the space in-between Lilly's legs.

She just let him molest her. I tried to stop him but he just poured my hot liquid on me. I turned to Lilly and gave her an apologetic look. She was pained at why she let him touch her that way. He tore off her pants and moved towards me.

I kicked him away. He shook his head and poured more coffee over me. He force my pants off. He took off both mine and Lilly's shirts. I started to cry silently. Lilly had the blankest look I have ever seen. He started with Lilly, I felt bad for her.

"p-please dad stop." I said pleading my dad to stop.

"no you are my children I do as I please."

He took off all her clothes now. He began fondling her hidden parts. I turned away so I didn't have to see. I could hear her crying now. I began to sob harder.

"stop crying I didn't raise wimps!"

FBI, and SWAT rushed in. They snatched him up and took him out of the house. A lady came over with a really sad look on her face. She bent down. Her black short hair sat properly in front of her face. Her green eyes glowed. She looked the stronger one in the eye. Me.

"how far did that man get?!?!"

"he tried to get be first. I s-should of let him. He took off our clothes as you can see well he molested her." I stuttered out.

She had a guy come pick the lock and we were free. I hugged my sister really tight. I let her cry on my shoulder. The tears rolled down my shoulders. I leaned to her ear and sighed. It was so sad I needed to choke it out.

"I am so sorry Lilly." I said.

She shook her head.


We were back at home. My mom, Lilly, and me were snuggled together crying. Rocking back and forth. Soft music was playing in the background. Tissues were crumpled everywhere. Half of them held snot. Chocolate was also everywhere. It looked exactly like it looked when we were all on our period together.

That was a really big mess. Three girls in one house on their periods together. So every month dad would put together a "getaway" because of our crying and hormones. It was kinda funny actually because we all would cry and cry and cry.


Drake held me as I cried again. I told him about it. I also told him that it was all my fault. Of course he said no it wasn't my fault. The thing is is that it is my fault. I liked how he listened to me cry. It's all I could ask from him.

"thanks for listening to me it means alot." I said seductively.

"it's all I could do."

I kissed Drake and next thing I knew we were having sex.


The perfect ending to a horrid day! Thanks for reading! :)

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