I'll tell you why (MinSul Story)

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Sulli's POV

i look outside my window to check if the weather is fine.it was a really fine..the sun is also about to appear any minute. so i put my red devilish cap to my brown curly long hair and look at the mirror,white skin,pale face,black colored eyes. i would be gorgeous any minute if i really have a taste in fashion. but not really. i don't know. i'll just wear the first thing that i'll see in my closet. Brilliant Sulli. Great. now i quickly hang my yellow backpack to my shoulders and get a gum in the table.i mutter a soft goodbye to my auntie and left. i dashed to our driveway to get my 'much loved' car so i throw my backpack in the passenger and i sit in the driver's seat.. ahh... my heart feels really fast like a run for miles! am i nervous? Sul,be used to it. you have been in so many school. don't worry its just a school! no one can't hurt us! you're the girl version of hulk right? okay. afyer calming my nervous self. i put my seatbelt on and started the engine. and drived my way to the school before the school bell rings.


when i arrived i let out a deep sigh and took away my seatbelt and open the car slowly and locked it. while walking like a boss and rolling the keys in my fingers and my other hand in my skirt pocket i slowly open the gates of hell ahem,i mean the GATES OF LEE SHIN HIGH. and i landed my foot in the land of the school,why am i so nervous? because maybe i'll get a new enemy? the garage of the school is.. Empty. am i late? as i noticed the million drops of water in my arms and head. i quickly run backwards and i hit in a cold metal. as i saw behind. it was a classroom door. it has a camera to see who is inside,a little microphone an elegant door bell and touchscreen little thing with numbers inside like in phones. wow. this school is great. i hope robots are also here. to guide me. so yup my room is Room 13. time to go. i read my timetable to check my subjects,when i raise my head up. Ouch. i bump into someone. a boy with a brown cool hair,brown eyes,he's a little bit taller but i assume that we are on the same age. "Oh Iam Sorry! i didn't really mean to bump you!" i apologize while taking the books that i bumped. "Iam Sulli." i said and give him my hand to handshake him. but he didn't. he just said "Minho." and he left. Poker faced. whats wrong with him.but i can tell that he's so Handsome. ah whatever he talked to me like that. i wish i would have a good friend to guide me here. then i see another metal door with Room 13 in it. i was about to grab the handle that looks like a refrigerator handle,when someone in the mini speaker talks. "Who are you?" it voiced like a woman about 30 year old. this is amazing. if there is no people in here i'll use the michrophone to sing a song. "C-Choi Sulli. a n-new student." i nervously responded. wiping my now sweaty palms to my red t-shirt. then the door automatically open. what the fttt. its so amazing... "Oh Choi Sulli.you're an elegant girl huh?" the woman that i assumed is the teacher said and i said "Thank You" to her. i didn't really know that i was elegant huh? "oh. i will take your seat beside Mr Minho." the teacher said and smiled to me. "and oh. By the way. Iam Ms kwon" The Gorgeous Lady said. "Thank You,M-Miss Kwon" i said and smiled shyly. Wait what did she say? Mr. MINHO?! no way he can't be here. ahh.. for goodness sake. iam drowning in the sea of embarassment. hope he is a nice seatmate. or else i'll be hulk and kick him in his freaking guts!

Author's Note:
Hi Guys!! Hope You Like My New Story "I'll Tell You Why"!! There Will Be More Sweet LQs between Minho and Sulli. please Vote and Comment. it kinda gives inspiration XD its okay if you don't :) Love you guys and thanks very much. xox.

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