Rebuilding, Worrying, and a Visitor

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Rin’s POV:

I sat next to Shiemi, my arm around her as we waited for the class to start. With my head on her shoulder, I let out a soft sigh. “Shiemi, when do you think they’ll come back?” I observe, my eyes half-closed as I breath in the flowery scent of the girl next to me. Shiemi sighed, shrugging as she shook her head.

“I don’t know, Rin. Do you think we should visit them after school?” She suggests, turning her head to look over to me. I nod, my stomach twisting as I thought of how much of an idiot the two of them could be. “Alright, how about we pack a bag for an overnight trip? We could come back by tomorrow night.” She mused, leaning her cheek against my head with a soft smile and giggle. I nod, my hand linked with hers as I play with her fingers.

“Thanks, Shiemi.” I grin, and kiss her cheek gently, nuzzling it, making her giggle and squirm. “I mean, they can be a couple of bakas when someone’s not watchin’ them. They might forget to eat breakfast, or to button their shirt right, or-”

“Rin, you sound like such a mom!” Koko smirks, popping her head down from the seat behind us. “Ha, so that’s how you can cook so well!” She grins and laughs good-heartedly. I stick out my tongue at her, and chuckle.  

“Uruse, future sister-in-law!” I pout, and smile widely when she starts to blush a lot, her mouth trying to tug down a smile. “Ha! Doikderu~” I purr, prodding the girl. “You like my brother~” I tease, and giggle. Shiemi starts to smile and giggle, amused and happy.

“I’m glad I couldn’t miss this.” She murmurs, and so I smile, kissing her nose.

“So am I.” I grin, and kiss her forehead, then turning to the board as Yukio walked in.

Nat’s POV:

“Hoshimi. Hoshimi, wake up.” I whisper, gently poking the younger girl’s cheek.

“No...just-just give me a Konkemaru.” She murmurs, reaching out with her fingers. Drool was dripping from the corner of her lip, her smile giddy and like a baka. I stifle a giggle, and then squeeze her fingers, encasing them in mine.

“I will when we get back, ne? Right now you have to get up.” I sooth her, seeing a pout on her lips. “C’mon, let’s get up.” I hoisted the girl up from the futon, and try to smile. The events that occurred the day before were fresh in my mind, like ink that was just pressed on a piece of paper.

Egyn and his forces had sent a warning; ‘Fear. Our. Wrath.’ It was probably pay back from putting down his brother. I would understand that. But to the animals-the animals who had nothing to do with it? That was unforgivable.

“Mm, Onee-chan...are we in the stables? Where-where are we?” The whitette sputtered, rubbing her hair.

“We’re in the house. It has underground areas too. That’s where all the possessions of ours are. Even so, it only takes a few days to rebuild the house. All of the animals help do it, because it’s not only our home; it’s their home too.” I state gently, remembering when Shiro and everyone else had rebuilt the house.

Flashback- 13 Years Ago- Nat’s POV:

“You don’t have to do this.” I mumble, and look to the side as I rub my arm. Shiro had a hat on his head that made him look hilariously ridiculous, and so Rin and Yukio went with it and wore the same hats, along with the workers of the church.

“We wanna do this, Onee-chan!” Rin grinned his cheeky smile as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side, Yukio on my other side. “Just roll with it!” He smiled, patting a helmet down on my own head, making me yelp and unbelievingly giggle. Rin gasped, then smiled even wider, rubbing his cheek against my own, the two hats clashing together.

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