Snow Queen

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Evie and Emma at the Sheriff Station putting boxes of files away Emma thinking as she stared off into space Evie said "What is it?" Emma said "Snow Queen, she knows both of us yet she took our memories but why?" Evie said "What if she's lying?" Emma said "I feel as if everything about me is a lie" Evie said "I was like that but want to know what got me through it" she said "How?" she said "My family, and they believing in me, like it or not Emma you are my family in some strange messed up way". She said "I forgot to ask you how did your date with Hook go?" she said "It was romantic, and I'm looking forward to the next one" she said "How does your mom feel about that" she said "Well she encouraged it, she wants me to have love and given everything I should". Emma opened a box inside were trinkets and a video camera she played the tape she said "I haven't watched this since I recorded it, but some things happened today, made me think about the past" she said "Well then we must learn from it" she played the tape an young Emma with unknown girl she said "She was my first friend before we parted ways" it jumped to a group home setting there and behold the Snow Queen was Evie said "That's her?" as they saw in shock. Showing the tape to the others and they set out to find her ice cream truck hoping there will be some inkling of her whereabouts to come to find out Snow Queen had all of Emma's childhood papers from school. Rumple greeted Snow Queen in the woods he said "Emma knows your history began long before you came to Storybrooke" she said "You wanted to know my secrets not to warn me, oh I wanted them to find the breadcrumbs" he said "I'd be careful if I was you" she said "There's the warning you want something, why don't you just ask?" he said "You know I can't" she said "You lack the leverage".

Evie combing through research in the library came upon a book she opened it and found something she called Emma on her phone she said "I found something and you should see it". Emma came over she said "What did you find?" Evie said "An old danish book but there's a family tree in it where a particular person is listed" she showed her the page Emma said "That's her?" Evie said "Ingrid and her sisters Helga and Gerda" Emma said "Seems to me she wants us to replace her sisters" she said "Be one big happy family". Evie saw Emma's papers and a scroll she read it "This scroll it's runic a prophecy, it says the name of the savior is Emma and the savior shall become Ingrid's sister" Emma said "That explains me but you?" she said "Perhaps from my first life? Who knows really, I think she believes in this prophecy?". Evie went to magic training with Emma to be able to chain the Snow Queen which was very effective she said "I have to go and babysit Neal tonight" she said "Go ahead, Hook and I are going on date number two" she said "Have fun" she said "Yeah". David called Evie and Emma to tell them Snow Queen's trail leads up to the Clock Tower they headed over there catching her off guard Evie said "Emma now" she blew the candle magic on to the Snow Queen chained her hands she said "You got me". In the Sheriff Station Emma tried getting her to talk to no avail Evie walked in there she said "How do you know me?" she said "I know you quite well Hope, you are the first savior the first to begin it all, from you led to Emma being the savior" she said "That's a given fact but how do you know me?" she said "Hope, I know you because I was you and I know you haven't unlocked your full potential, you're holding back instead of putting forth your power" Emma said "Leave her alone" she said "Oh Emma I'm so proud of you" she said "I know what you want and it ain't gonna happen sister" she said "Oh it will, you'll understand that everything I've been saying is true then you'll do the last thing possible which is let me go" Evie said "Like that would happened". David, Hook, and Belle looking at the mirror in the Clock Tower Belle had read about it she said " It's called the Spell of Shattered Sight, it dates back to a story about a Nordic King who was so devastated he decided his kingdom should share his pain. So he spent years harnessing dark magic, used it on the mirror and cast a spell over his entire kingdom. It made his subjects see only the worst in the ones they loved. And they turned on each other, destroying themselves" Hook said "So she's going have us look into the mirror?" Belle said "The thing is this isn't the mirror" he said "I've been looking at it since we got here and I look just fine".

Snow Queen went and place ice around the Sheriff Station to keep Emma and Evie in and everyone else out as she goaded the two with her words of wisdom mostly to drive Emma on the brink of destruction. Evie said "You think you're something but you have no idea what I can do" sounding serious she said "Evie, you're so much more than that I can see the war inside of you the war of who you're truly are and it will come to the surface and when it does that's when it'll be beautiful." She got in her face she said "You know nothing of me and Emma so your games will never work" she said "This isn't a game Hope and they all will see you both in a different light and they will fear you" Evie's eyes started to glow red she said "See Evie, the power is there waiting to be let out" she trying to calm down but it was Emma who went off and blasted the side of the Sheriff Station down allowing Ingrid to escape causing Emma's temper and emotions kick into high gear. Evie and Emma walked out to see the rubble when greeted by the others Evie's eyes still glowing red and Emma's powers shocking to and fro Hook said "Evie" seeing her eyes Emma said "Stay back" he said "Evie what did Snow Queen do to you?" seeming concerned Evie said "Stay back Killian I don't want to hurt you" Rumple with the group said "You should heed her words" he went to grab her hand and Emma's when she swooshed him back and Evie shook the ground causing a light pole to fall David got him out of the way but was hit instead Snow screamed "Evie" but the look on her face caused Evie to feel hurt as well as Emma she and her took off for her car and they drove away. Regrouped at the Charming apartment Snow said "The look the girls saw from us was the look of fear, this Snow Queen has some mirror that turns us against each other? Well she doesn't need it we're doing it ourselves". Evie and Emma looking out across the lighted town Evie was starting to calm down but Ingrid's words of a war brewing inside of her the war between Light and Dark the same war she's being dealing with since the beginning what would happened if the Dark came to the surface what would that do to her loved ones and rest of the town. Seems like the Snow Queen allowed all this to happen to get what she wants she greeted Rumple in his shop with a deal in mind she said "I want my ribbons back" he said "That requires an exchange of goods" she went and told him how to achieve his goals and he was very pleased he said "I shall do it with great pleasure" as he smiled so wickedly.

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