"The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

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Evie learned that her mom brought Marian back because Snow Queen's freeze spell wore off she was up walking about but Evie greeted her before she met with Regina she said "Hello Marian" she said "Hi" she said "Want to know something?" she said "What?" she said "You being here has hurt my mother" she said "I'm sorry" she said "I thought about the perfect revenge, who would orchestrate all this then it hit me, Auntie Zelena" she said "Clearly you have a wild imagination". Trying to brush off Evie's wild theory she said "No, I know things especially magic, I can tell who has magic and who doesn't and you reek of it, so a glamour spell Auntie Zelena your plan failed so turning into Robin's dead wife would be the next best thing" Marian smiled she said "Seems to me the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". She revealed a necklace with a six-leaf clover and she twisted the turner on it to reveal herself to be Zelena she said "You got me, yes I wanted to hurt Regina" she said "Well why do all that for?" she said "It makes things interesting but I can tell Robin still longs for Regina" Evie said "I should report you to her" she said "What's stopping you" she said "I have a much better idea". Evie had took Zelena to the psych ward under Storybrooke Hospital and Zelena looked around she said "Really?" she said "No, this is your home till I see fit" she said "I can just magic out of here" she went to try and couldn't she said "What did you do?" she said "Oh, that bracelet on you stops every magic bone in your body so you're grounded witch" she said "You're so much like Regina" she said "Well, she raised me as her it was bound to rub off, but listen to me Auntie Zelena no one hurts my family and lives to tell the tale but you given being family this is fitting because just one call away I can send the Dark One to you, try getting out of that situation".She turned to go Zelena said "I'll show you" she tried walking out the room but couldn't she said "Oh I took a page out of my mother's book and spelled you in here because you belong here isolated away from everyone else doing them no harm" she said "I can clearly see it now you're worse than Regina" she said "Well, always stay one step ahead of your enemies" her eyes glowed red she walked out.

Evie greeted her mom she told her Marian is Zelena and that she trapped her so she wouldn't cause more problems than there already is Regina said "I'm amazed you were able to see it was her and I couldn't" Evie said "Well, I put myself in that mindset and realized that's what she would do" Regina said "Now I have to tell Robin" she said "Don't forget memory potion for Roland" she said "Thank you Evie" she hugged her while her eyes glowed red she smiled. Evie, Emma, Snow, and Belle went to stop Rumple Emma and Snow went to stall but it was Evie and Belle that got his attention she was holding the dagger Evie said "I wouldn't do that Rumple" he saw her he said "I'm not stopping" Belle said "Because I commanded you not to, drop the heart, now release everyone and you can take us to the town line we need to be alone for what's to come next" they vanished Evie held Hook's heart. At the town line Belle gives Rumple a stern damping speech about how she deserves better and how he lies to her and abuses her she's had enough and she went and sent him across the town line banishing him for good Evie with Hook at Granny's she put his heart back in him he kissed her he said "I'm a survivor". She greeted her mom she said "Can we talk?" she said "Sure, what's up?" she said "I think the war within me has came to fruition and it feels so good" she said "Which part?" she said "The darkness, I liked it but that's wrong I know that" Regina said "Evie, you knowing it's wrong shows that the light is fighting to hang on" she said "I know you were seeking the author of Henry's book you think he can fix me?" she said "How so?" she said "Perhaps he can shed some light on this ward within me and how I should proceed" she said "Then you should". Henry greeted them he said "I found something?" the two went with him to Sorcerer's mansion and found a secret room full of potential storybooks they believing it's the Author's home Emma had tagged along with them Regina told her their plans she said "I'm in, time for everyone to get a happy ending".

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