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In this new realm everyone has different lives the two saviors are locked away in a tower that's hard to access by any means necessary Emma remembering all but powerless to do so while Evie under a sleeping curse waiting to be waken by true love's kiss the Author had no room for saviors in his book and left them to these fates. Henry desperate to get his family back went inside the book to save them by first trying to convince Regina who she is to no avail then setting off to find Emma by way of Hook and fighting Black Beard to take hold of the Jolly Roger. Henry talked Hook into rescuing his mom while they knocked out the guard Henry found Emma while Hook found light coming from a door he opened it walked in to see a fair young maiden lying on a stone bed holding a single red rose when he looked at her face something familiar about her he couldn't leave her here in this gloomy tower. He bent down and kissed her the kiss was true love no matter what the Author did true love can cross realms Evie and Hook's love was true from the kiss magic blasted throughout the realm she awakened her eyes to seeing him he helped her up he said "I'm Hook, milady" she said "Evie". She walked with him out of the room greeting Emma and Henry, Henry said "Evie" she said "Do I know you?" Emma said "Let's get to the ship before the guard wakes up" they made it out to the ship while Hook was mesmerized by Evie she wasn't the same person Henry and Emma knows she seemed more princess-like she said "Are you a prince, perhaps a knight?" he said "I'm just a deckhand to a captain" she said "No matter, I thank you for saving me feels like forever since I've seen people" he said "How did you end up there?" she said "The Queen she was threatened by my beauty and the fact I'm fairest of all she cursed me under a sleeping curse only true love's kiss could break which you broke" he said "Oh yeah I guess I did" Henry and Emma overheard the conversation Henry said "Author made Evie be Snow White keeping her away from Hook, but mom if you have no magic does she?" Emma said "I don't know Henry".

Coming ashore the women were dressed in different attire Evie had her hair braided she wore an riding outfit she and Hook shared glances Emma told Hook of the other realm and that he and Evie are together and happy he said "Really" she smiled at him they were greeted by Queen Snow, Guard David, and dwarves. Evie stood in shock Emma went and fought back Queen Snow said "I know you, you're Emma" Evie stood behind Hook he trying to look brave for her Evie watched the fighting Hook telling Evie to run those words echoed in her mind Henry walked out with food Emma went to him Evie watched Guard David run Hook through Evie screamed "NO!" magic blast from within her and swooshed at them she, Emma, and Henry took off running. The trio greeted Regina Emma tried convincing Regina she was having none of it till Evie walked in Regina recognized her somewhat she said "Evie" she said "Listen to them please" she said "Not you too" she said "I just watched the man I love die in front of me, the worst part is that I never told him I loved him I was too scared saying it would make it real, but now I'll never have a chance to take that next step with him because he's gone my only chance with him is if you don't make the same mistake I did, go and tell Robin what you feel". Arrived to the chapel to stop the wedding when greeted by Rumple Henry went to urge Regina to go inside while Emma and Evie dealt with him he knocked her aside and went after Henry Evie went to save him when Rumple went and slashed her she felt it she collapsed Henry said "Evie" Regina turned and ran to her Henry said "Evie, no" she said "Henry" feeling the pain Emma came to them she said "Emma, from one savior to another you are one heck of one" Regina held her hand Evie said "I know you don't believe us but you're my mom and I love you, you gave me my happy ending." The Author walked out he said "Too little too late" Emma punched him he said "That's for Evie, bring back Hook and save Evie" he said "I can't" Henry picked up the quill and it glowed suggesting he's the new author he used Evie's blood for she is light magic he wrote on paper he said "Thanks to the hero Evie's sacrifice Isaac's villainous work was undone" thus undoing everything.

Returned to Storybrooke Evie was alive and okay she got up hugged Henry and her mom Emma with the recent Sorcerer's Apprentice that was released from the magic hat right before being swept away to the alternate reality. Evie had to go find Hook pronto she found him in Charming apartment she said "Where's Hook?" David said "He was here before.." Hook said "I really needed to find that book and I'm usually a bit tidier" she walked up the stairs to him she hugged him he said "How many times do I have to tell you I'm a survivor" she said "Seeing you die there woke me up and I want to tell you this before anything else" he said "What?" she said "I love you" he said "What?" she said "I love you Killian" he said "I love you too" they kissed. Evie and Hook was with the rest in Granny's David said "I didn't mean to kill you, to be fair I didn't have a heart" Snow said "We're sorry" Emma said "Everything there wasn't real" Evie said "I hoped my magic blast didn't hurt you" Snow said "Let's just say you packed a punch" Emma said "Seems to be true love's punch" Evie said "Funny Emma" Belle rushed in she said "It's Rumple he's dying" they went to the shop they watched Apprentice take the darkness from Rumple's heart but it proved too much for him. Emma and Evie used their magic blasting it outside into the air they all ran out after it when the Apprentice spoke of the Sorcerer battling the darkness he was able to keep it from consuming the realms he said "Evie that's why you were made to battle that darkness" she said "I know, the first Dark One killed me" he said "The Sorcerer is the only one to destroy the darkness once and for all before it destroys everything, find the Sorcerer his name is Merlin". Outside the darkness was sucking the air out Regina and Robin came to see what's going on it went after Regina Evie knowing what she should do she took the dagger from Emma Emma said "No" she went to Regina she said "Evie, don't" she said "There's no other way mom, you can figure out how to take the darkness out of me mom because I believe in you" she went to plunge the dagger Hook stopped her he said "No, don't do this" she said "I love you" she kissed him then plunge the dagger into the darkness thus consumed by it she vanished into nothingness leaving behind the dagger and anxious group trying to deal with what Evie sacrificed for them.

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