Chapter 2

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(Quick note before we start, I've never been in a college class before so I have no idea how they work, sorry if it's inaccurate!)

How on earth could someone just enter a classroom like that? Especially on the first day of college. Just burst in and basically scream your sexuality out at the top of your lungs. Keira had always been rather quiet about being gay, she never made a huge deal out of it and neither had the few foster families she told, so she figured it wasn't that big of a deal. But this girl might as well have burst in and screamed "I AM ATTRACTED TO THE SAME SEX AS ME." Keira quickly picked up her jaw and glanced at Pidge. They caught her gaze and sighed deeply, the started to say something but was cut off by Professor Coran.

"Ah, Miss Layla McClain I assume? You were almost late for class not to mention the disruption! Another stunt like this and you'll be out in the hallway! But... since this is the first day, I'll let it slide. Please take a seat"

Pidge let out a quiet groan and sank down in their seat a little. Layla's head whipped up to the pair and made eye contact with her. Keira realized how blue Layla's eyes really were, it looked like she had kidnapped the sky on the clearest day and trapped it in her eyes. She grinned wickedly and sauntered over to where Keira and Pidge were sitting.

"Hey cutie mind if I- OH HEY PIDGE!" she yelled suddenly, earning a mustached glare from Professor Coran. Pidge put a finger to their mouth.

"Shut up dummy!" they hissed "You wanna get kicked out on the first day?!"

"Heh, sorry sir grumpy pigeon" Layla chuckled and plopped down in the seat to Keira's right. Ooooooooh Pidge was a guyyyyyyyyyyy. Well at least she knew now. Layla turned to Keira and smirked.

"So cutie, what's your name?" she winked. Keira took a good 10 seconds the groan internally. What a shameless flirt.

"Keira. Keira Kogane." She said stiffly, refusing to make eyes contact with her beautiful sky-blue orbs.

"Well I'm Layla McClain, but you can call me anything you want" she winked again.

"I'm sorry, do you have a twitch in your eye?" Keira asked, sarcasm dripping from her voice as she stared straight ahead. Layla opened her mouth to say something else, but was cut off by the professor.

"Class is officially starting! Please take out your laptops!"

Keira smirked at Layla in triumph and pulled out her custom bright red macbook, a gift from one of her richer foster parents. Layla halfheartedly glared at her and pulled out a beat up blue HP laptop. Keira audibly snorted and Layla gave her a full force glare.

"What?" she snapped.

"You're seriously using a PC?" Keira tried (and failed) to keep a smirk off her face.

"So what? In my opinion PC is way better!" Layla hissed. Keira twitched and was about to express how dang wrong Layla was, at least she was going to until Pidge smacked the tops of their heads.

"Quit arguing you idiots! I'm trying to pay attention!" he gave them the evil eye and turned back to his computer. Keira and Layla exchanged one final glare before focusing back on whatever Professor Coran was saying. The rest of class passed without much incident, minus the glares, staring contests, and sticking out their tongues at each other. After 2 hours, the professor finally dismissed the class. Keira haphazardly shoved her things into her satchel and turned to Pidge.

"What do you have next?" Keira asked. Pidge wrinkled his nose and crossed his eyes in concentration.

"Um, I think I have an hour and a half break..."

"Oh, I have advanced welding.." Keira had kinda wished Pidge would be in more of her classes.

"Wow seriously? I didn't think first years were allowed in advanced classes..." Pidge fidgeted with his pony tail. Keira simply shrugged.

"I'm really good with metal I guess"

"Props" smirked Pidge, he glanced at his watch "Oh I should get going! I promised my big sister I'd meet her at a cafe for brunch, see ya around Keira!" Pidge ran out of the classroom, leaving Keira to find her classroom by herself. She rushed out of the classroom, vaguely noticing Layla had left at the same time as Pidge. She found her way to the classroom pretty easily,owing to the fact that steam was pouring out through under the door. Keira opened the door and breathed deeply, her favorite scent hung heavily in the air, smoldering metal, steam, and fire. The teacher took notice of her presence and turned towards her, their face covered with a mask.

"Hello dearie! Welcome to welding! Your rather small so I assume you're my very special freshmen. Equipment is right behind you, and today we're just making fun little projects. Welcome to the family!" she had a stereotypical old lady's' voice that was slightly muffled by the welding mask. Keira smiled kindly at her and suited up for class. She headed to a empty forge close to the front of the class and began her work. Not even seven minutes later the door burst open, revealing a slightly chubby girl with cocoa colored skin and plain black hair pulled into a single braid.

"Is this baking 101?!" she exclaimed, panting. A faint flush could be seen on her face.

"I'm afraid not honey, would you mind telling me your name and i could just ask the computer where you're supposed to be?"

"H-Hollie, Hollie Garrett" she took a gulp air. Keira remembered Pidge mentioning that name, she was the one he had pranked. Judging by her actions and demeanor, she was a very prankable person. The old professor typed something into her computer and turned back to Hollie.

"Room 283 in the East Wing dear"

"Thank you so much!!" Hollie ran back out of the room, slamming the door behind her. The class ended much too quickly for Keira's tastes, but she left reluctantly.

"Hmm... I have a bit of break until my next class, maybe I should get some grub" Keira murmured to herself as she walked out of the building. She slowly started making her way down to the strip of shops and restaurants just past her apartment. She looked towards the ground, completely lost in her thoughts. All of a sudden she was on her butt, trying to figures out what the heck was going on.

"Oh I'm sorry, I should've been paying more attention" an unfamiliar voice resonated somewhere above her, and a robotic arm entered her field of view.

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