Chapter 3

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(hey people, I'm back! Sorry if this chapter is a little shorter and a bit rushed. I just wanted to get something out for you lovely pineapples, hope you enjoy!)

Keira hesitatingly took the hand and the stranger pulled her to her feet. She staggered for a moment but got her balance back in a moment.

"Sorry about that"

Keira looked up at the person, and was met with a beautiful woman's face. Her dark gray eyes sparkled noticeably against her pale skin. A large scar ran over her nose and her hair was pixie cut, though colored a bit oddly. All of it was back except for a small tuft at the front.

"U-Umm it's ok" Keira stammered, slightly intimidated by this stranger. But the intimidation dropped when she softly smiled at Keira.

"My name is Shira, what's yours?"

"Keira." She smiled back, only hesitating slightly.

"So whats brings you to town?" Shira inquired "I don't think I've ever seen you around before"

"First day of college, I need some brunch" Keira sighed comically and Shira's eyes lit up.

"Oh, do you go to Voltron?" She smiled again, this time a little wider.

"Um yeah, I do"

"That's cool, so do I, I'm a sophomore, so I think I owe you an apology for knocking you over.. How about brunch?"

"That sounds fantastic" Keira grinned, normally Keira would have turned down the invitation, but 1: free food

2: Shira seemed pretty cool, and pretty

"Well let's go then" Shira started walking,Keira not too far behind.

~Switch to Layla~

Layla halfheartedly licked at her blueberry ice cream.

"I just don't get it!" She exclaimed, slamming her left hand on the table. Hollie jumped, almost dropping her lemon popsicle in the process. Pidge glanced up from his laptop and glared at Layla.

"Oh what now?" he groaned, taking a long sip from his mint milkshake.

"I am irresistible to the ladies! How did that little raven haired chick deny me so hard?!"

"Her name is Keira" Pidge said bluntly, closing his laptop with a defeated sigh, figuring he wouldn't get any more work done so long as Layla was this worked up.

"Maybe it's because you're an insufferable flirt, too loud, obnoxious, concerned about your appearance..." Hollie started, ticking off things on her fingers

"Ok, ok! I get it!" Layla exclaimed, dropping her head on the table with a loud bang. Pidge snickered as quietly as he could.

"She was really pretty though" Layla smiled into the table. Maybe they could get to know each other a little better.

"Wow, oh my gosh. Layla you totally got a crush on the first day of college!!" Hollie giggled as she destroyed the last of her popsicle.

"No one asked you, Batterwitch" Layla grumbled bitterly.

~switch to ???~

A young woman sits in her large dorm, hunched over her computer. This young woman also just so happens to go to Voltron's rival school, Galra Academy. A school known for it's cruel professors are even crueler students. This young woman's name is Lotoya, and she is the head of Galra Academy's daughter. And little does Lotoya know, her whole world is about to flip.

~switch to Keira~

Keira was just finishing up brunch with Sheira, which had been a smashing success. The had already become good friends and bonded over their interest in technology.

"So where you headed to after this?" Sheira asked on their way out the cafe

"Umm" Keira quickly searched her brain "Basics of Robotic" Keira said.

"Me to!" Sheira grinned like a dork "wanna walk together?"

"Sure thing!" Keira grinned right back equally as dorky. They made the short trek back to Voltron, chatting casually about their cats and other things (mostly their cats though.) Shira had a black tabby cat named (very creatively) Black. They arrived at the classroom, opened the door, and were immediately greeted in a very energetic way.

"Hey hey!" a short man with curly reddish-brown hair looked over at them from his station. Despite his stout build and flat chest, he had a very feminine face.

"I'm professor Colton! And before you ask, I am transgender, before you ask. Trust me i know you were wondering and it's fine, I get the same question every year." he grinned. "So go ahead and just pick whatever station you please, we'll just be making a basic little carrier bot today" he turned back to the student he was working with originally.

"Well... That was... Blunt" Shira said, half stunned. Keira snickered and walked to the nearest workstation. She was going to enjoy this class, she just knew it.

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