My Dream Diary.

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My first dream: I was sitting with my class, and we were talking I'm not sure what about but i think it was important. My dream shifts to my old neighborhood friend, I was at his Garage sale talking to his mother, she brought out some iced drinks, the table was moving like shifting, I moved my drinks (lemonade and water) to another table in the sun. It didn't move, my dram moved once again, I now wasn't in his garage anymore, I was now in a classroom he was siting next to me, we were talking about our phones and how they were exactly the same, I didn't realize i was sitting next to Justin Bieber, for some reason i still though it was my old friend Matt, my neighbor. But no, he was showing me how my phone could be touch screen, all i had to do was download some app and it would be touch screen. So i did, I now realized that i had not only downloaded just one app, I now had tons of apps on my phone, like a farm app. I didn't even try to play it, I just went along with what Matt was saying. My dream shifted again, I was now sitting with my friends in my room, we were about to watch a movie on my laptop, there were cords everywhere. It was't working so i went out into the living room and got some food, a salad with ranch, and 2 other things I don't remember, i DO remember moving some apple sauce off to the side of a table. I was back into my room, There were tons of stuffed animals all around me, and my friend(s)?. My dream shifted once more, I was now walking down a tan colored driveway with someone i don't remember (we're friends?) We were talking about my boyfriend Andrew, just then his white truck pulled into a nearby parking spot, I tried walking towards him, but i couldn't. He didn't seem me, So i kept on walking. My dream shifted again, I was now sitting with my friend Maddy in the grass, Andrew walked by and told me he didn't wanna be with me anymore, I cried and cried and ran off, I now remember that Maddy was never sitting next to me, i was sitting next to an unknown person. I tried to find Maddy by running into Olive Garden where my class was eating for some reason. I found my old friend Ben, eating some pasta dish i asked "where is Maddy?!" with tears running down my checks, he pointed in a direction that i do not remember. I walked around until i found her, I couldn't really get onto her lap like i wanted to so she asked me what was wrong. I told her that Andrew broke my heart and he didn't wanna be with me. She wanted details though I can somehow remember this part in my head but i don't remember it completely happening in my dream? (time passes) I could see Andrew typing but i could HEAR what he was saying, it wasn't in his own deep voice, it was in some high pitched girls voice. While he was typing he was trying mean awful words about me, He was calling me ugly and fat. It was weird because i could hear what he was typing but not see the words. I finished telling Maddy about that, and she told me it'd be okay. Then I awoke.

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