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I haven't wrote about my dreams very much because I've been caught up in school and personal stuff. But here goes :)

I remember me being in my dream and I was in a building with some other people from my school and previous schools and some other people I don't know at all. But anyways we were all sitting in this room it felt cold and it was sorta dark, I remember walking down and outside and onto a bus, It's a prison bus, I have no idea why I'm on that bus. I felt nervous but i kept walking and sat down at a seat. The bus seat could actually lean back and that brought me some joy but I still had no desire to be on the bus. I had no choice though. The other people around me didn't seem very upset, not excited either. It felt like they had been on this bus before. I was freaked out of my mind. I didn't want to be near this bus. I then saw my mom climbing up the bus stairs. I was so happy she was going to rescue me! She had something in her hand, my over night pills. She told me to take them and to be good & this will all be over soon, I said I would take them on one condition. I could go home. She looked at me funny and didn't say anything, not even a nod or a gesture. I took them and asked if i could go home now, she said no, then she whispered in my ear that this is only a trick and i could "beat it". I was thrilled i wasn't really going to prison. I of course didn't do anything. I told her it was the people in front of me being the bad & doing the wrong, She then left my sight and I saw her walking into a room, but it was still in the bus. I followed her and she sat me down. I then remembered that I had lost my purse and my phone. My mom told me she had my phone and i left it in the lunch room. It was broken, I was very upset. I looked at my phone and I for some reason could see what i was looking at through the prospective of my phone taking a picture. It looked like my phone was like a T.V screen that was messed up. it had lines going across it. I then asked where my purse is but my mom was nowhere to be found. She left me. I heard her voice saying "and this is why you shouldn't be bad in court." I didn't even know i was in court or why i was on a bus going to prison. It was scary and i just wanted to go home.

My dream shifted into something completely different, I was now walking to my own school bus and i couldn't get my backpack to close and it was very, very heavy. I couldn't lift it at all. I asked this girl for help but she looked at me and walked away. I was upset and i was going to miss my bus. I finally got onto my bus and then i sat down but my backpack wouldn't budge. It was stuck on something and i couldn't get it off. I pulled and pulled and finally it came loose. I was sitting in the front seat and the person next to me was my friend from school Jesse, he had a dog with him and i think it was a golden retriever. It was a nice dog but i don't remember much about it. My bus now was moving and it stopped at this place, it was like an antique shop miked in with useless junk. I went inside to find this guy who seemed to work there. I looked around and found these clothes, they were mostly jeans and weird shirts. I looked for my size at the time in my dream I was looking at 0's and i found some but they were not cute at all. I then looked at this green shirt, It was huge and it didn't seem to fit in the section it was in. I moved onto looking at more things, I saw tons of auto parts, I now had this little basket i was holding. I was filling it with things I could use and I liked, Some things that were in there was string and some twist ties. I didn't know why I had them but i kept filling the small basket with things. I then found this section in the store and it was color coordinated. It looked at the black things because that's my favorite color, or shade. I saw many things like clothes, but more like socks and oven mites and other small items. I was looking for a thong for some odd reason. When i couldn't find any I stood up only to see that the guy "working" the store was standing right behind me. I jumped and handed him the things i found and the tiny basket. He smiled and i walked out of the store and got back onto my bus. The bus drove for a long time it seemed. i talked with Jesse about his dog and how I was doing.

My dream shifted once more, I was in my house with by boyfriend Andrew, we were told to look after this tiny creature, the people who told up too gave us tons of money and put it all into a big cardboard box along with some essentials we might need. We agreed to look after him and we did for a while, when it was night time me and Andrew sat the little creature on the side and put him by the shades and told him to stay there, he then ran into his box and fell asleep. Then me and Andrew decided it would be okay to "fool around". We got under the shades and made this fort under the heat vent, I love being warm and we began to have sex, it was good and fun. It then got very hot under the covers so Andre opened it and we both were naked, but we cuddled some more and fell asleep. Before i was fully asleep I checked on the little critter, he was fast asleep in his little box. I noticed he was green and so cute :). I came back and cuddled back with Andrew.

I woke up around 7 am .

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